Lukas Müller

 Lukas Müller

Special Needs Education and Inclusion with Emphasis on School Development and Teaching

Research Associate

+49 5251 60-5765
Technologiepark 6
33100 Paderborn
 Lukas Müller
Since 03/2020

Research Assistant, PhD Student

Working Group on Special Needs Education and Inclusion with Emphasis on School Development and Teaching, University of Paderborn (North-Rhine Westphalia)

Research focus: international comparisons of multi-professional collaboration in inclusive schools

08/2017 - 03/2019


Integrated Day Care, Primary School of Kalbach (Frankfurt am Main)

08/2016 - 08/2017

Educational Assistant

Lebenshilfe Frankfurt am Main e.V.

10/2012 - 11/2015

Study of Sociology (Master of Arts)

Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main

10/2009 - 11/2012

Study of Sociology and Philosophy (Bachelor of Arts)

Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main


Genral Qualification for University Entrance (Abitur)

Liebfrauen Gymnasium, Büren (North-Rhine Westphalia)

Since 03/2020

Research Assistant, PhD Student

Working Group on Special Needs Education and Inclusion with Emphasis on School Development and Teaching, University of Paderborn (North-Rhine Westphalia)

Research focus: international comparisons of multi-professional collaboration in inclusive schools

08/2017 - 03/2019


Integrated Day Care, Primary School of Kalbach (Frankfurt am Main)

08/2016 - 08/2017

Educational Assistant

Lebenshilfe Frankfurt am Main e.V.

10/2012 - 11/2015

Study of Sociology (Master of Arts)

Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main

10/2009 - 11/2012

Study of Sociology and Philosophy (Bachelor of Arts)

Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main


Genral Qualification for University Entrance (Abitur)

Liebfrauen Gymnasium, Büren (North-Rhine Westphalia)

Hinweis an die Redakteure: Der Inhalt enthält nicht erlaubte Elemente und wurde daher ausgeblendet.