PD Dr. Alexander Dunst

Sonstiges |
10/2013 - 30.09.2023 |
Assistant Professor (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit), English Department, Paderborn University |
10/2022 - 03/2023 |
Vertretungsprofessur für Amerikanistik Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik (Prof. Heike Paul), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
06/2021 |
Habilitation (highest European university qualification) Double Venia legendi certificate in American Studies & Digital Humanities |
04/2020 - 03/2021 |
Acting Professor of Digital Humanities (W3-Vertretungsprofessur), MA-Program in Digital Humanities, Paderborn University |
04/2015 - 01/2020 |
Co-Director of the Early-Career Research Group "Hybrid Narrativity Funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) |
01/2018 - 04/2018 |
Visiting Research Professor English Department & Price Lab for Digital Humanities, University of Pennsylvania |
10/2011 - 03/2013 |
Lecturer Department of English, Potsdam University |
02/2013 |
DAAD-Visiting Lecturer Department of Cultural Studies, English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad |
10/2006 - 10/2010 |
PhD Department of Culture, Film and Media & Centre for Critical Theory, University of Nottingham |
10/2003 - 04/2006 |
Staff Writer News Magazine, "Profil", Vienna |
10/2002 - 07/2005 |
MA (Mag. phil) English & American Studies, English Department, Vienna University |
10/1999 - 07/2002 |
BA (1. Studienabschnitt) English & German Studies, University of Graz |
10/2013 - 30.09.2023 |
Assistant Professor (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit), English Department, Paderborn University |
10/2022 - 03/2023 |
Vertretungsprofessur für Amerikanistik Lehrstuhl für Amerikanistik (Prof. Heike Paul), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
06/2021 |
Habilitation (highest European university qualification) Double Venia legendi certificate in American Studies & Digital Humanities |
04/2020 - 03/2021 |
Acting Professor of Digital Humanities (W3-Vertretungsprofessur), MA-Program in Digital Humanities, Paderborn University |
04/2015 - 01/2020 |
Co-Director of the Early-Career Research Group "Hybrid Narrativity Funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) |
01/2018 - 04/2018 |
Visiting Research Professor English Department & Price Lab for Digital Humanities, University of Pennsylvania |
10/2011 - 03/2013 |
Lecturer Department of English, Potsdam University |
02/2013 |
DAAD-Visiting Lecturer Department of Cultural Studies, English and Foreign Languages University (EFLU), Hyderabad |
10/2006 - 10/2010 |
PhD Department of Culture, Film and Media & Centre for Critical Theory, University of Nottingham |
10/2003 - 04/2006 |
Staff Writer News Magazine, "Profil", Vienna |
10/2002 - 07/2005 |
MA (Mag. phil) English & American Studies, English Department, Vienna University |
10/1999 - 07/2002 |
BA (1. Studienabschnitt) English & German Studies, University of Graz |
- List of Publications (last updated 01/2023)
Alexander Dunst, The Rise of the Graphic Novel: Computational Criticism and the Evolution of Literary Value (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2023 [in press]), 254 pp.
Alexander Dunst, Madness in Cold War America (New York: Routledge, 2016 & 2019), 184 pp. (Routledge Studies in Cultural History 46).
Edited Volumes
Alexander Dunst & Dennis Mischke, Digital Scholarship in American Studies, Special Issue of Amerikastudien 63-2 (2018), 121 pp.
Alexander Dunst, Jochen Laubrock & Janina Wildfeuer, Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Cognitive, and Multimodal Methods (New York: Routledge, 2018 & 2020), xvi + 349 pp.
Alexander Dunst & Stefan Schlensag, The World According to Philip K. Dick (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), ix + 234 pp.
Alexander Dunst & Caroline Edwards, Collective Subjects and Political Transformation, Special Issue of Subjectivity 4-1 (2011). 102 pp.
Articles with Peer Review
Alexander Dunst, “How We Read Comics Now: Literary Studies, Computational Criticism, and the Rise of the Graphic Novel” Modern Fiction Studies 67-4 (2021), 758-784.
Alexander Dunst, “Computing Literary Surplus Value: Alan Moore and the Density of the Comic Book as Graphic Novel“, in: Gabrielle Rippl & Ursula Lenker (eds.) Book Histories in the Digital Age, Special Issue of Anglia 139-1 (2021),195-223.
Rita Hartel & Alexander Dunst, “An OCR Pipeline and Semantic Text Analysis for Comics” in: Alberto del Bimbo et al. (Ed.), ICPR 2020 Workshops and Challenges. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 213-222. (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12590)
Jochen Laubrock & Alexander Dunst, “Computational Approaches to Comics“, in: Neil Cohn and Joseph P. Magiliano (eds.), Visual Narrative Research: An Emerging Topic in Cognitive Science, Special Issue of Topics in Cognitive Science 12-1 (2020): 274-310.
Rita Hartel & Alexander Dunst, “How Good is Good Enough? Establishing Quality Thresholds for the Automatic Text Analysis of Retro-Digitized Comics“ in: I. Kompatsiaris et al. (Ed.), Multimedia Modeling. MMM 2019. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 662-671. (Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11296)
Alexander Dunst, “Ordinary Madness: Don DeLillo’s Subject from Underworld to Point Omega” Amerikastudien 62-1 (2017): 35-50.
Alexander Dunst, Rita Hartel & Jochen Laubrock, “The Graphic Narrative Corpus (GNC): Design, Annotation, and Analysis for the Digital Humanities” in: Proceedings of the 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (2017): 15-20.
Alexander Dunst, “Digital American Studies: An Introduction and Rationale" Amerikastudien 61-3 (2016): 381-95.
Alexander Dunst, Elahe Haschemi Yekani & Anja Schwarz, “The Here And Now of Cultural Studies" Journal for the Study of British Cultures 21-2 (2014): 195-222.
Alexander Dunst, “After Trauma: Time and Affect in American Culture Beyond 9/11” Parallax 18-2 (2012): 56-71.
Alexander Dunst, “Ordinary Paranoia: Rethinking (American) Conspiracy Studies/Navadna paranoja: ponoven premislek o studiju (ameriske) zarote” Paranoia: Spellbound Spaces of Culture and Politics, Special Issue of Dialogi: Revija za Kulturo in Družbo 11 (2011): 120-35.
Alexander Dunst, “Late Jameson, or, After the Eternity of the Present” New Formations 65 (2008): 105-18.
Chapters in Edited Volumes
Alexander Dunst & Rita Hartel, “Computerbasierte Comicforschung”, in: Christian Bachmann et al. (Eds.), Handbuch Comicforschung (Berlin: De Gruyter 2023) [forthcoming].
Alexander Dunst, “Surplus Feelings: Neoliberal Noir and the Affective Economy of Debt“, in: Christopher Breu & Elizabeth Hatmaker (Eds.), Noir Affect (New York: Fordham University Press, 2020), 222-240.
Alexander Dunst & Dennis Mischke, “Introduction: The Challenge and Promise of Digital American Studies“ Amerikastudien 63-2 (2018): 131-140.
Alexander Dunst, Jochen Laubrock & Janina Wildfeuer, “Comics and Empirical Research: An Introduction”, in: Dunst, Laubrock & Wildfeuer (Eds.), Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Cognitive, and Multimodal Methods (New York: Routledge, 2018), 1-23.
Alexander Dunst & Rita Hartel, “The Quantitative Study of Comics: Towards a Visual Stylometry of Graphic Narrative”, in: Empirical Comics Research: Digital, Cognitive, and Multimodal Methods (New York: Routledge, 2018), 43-61.
Alexander Dunst, “’All the Fits That’s News to Print’’: Deinstitutionalisation and Anti-Psychiatric Movement Magazines in the United States, 1970-1986”, in: Despo Kritsotaki, Vicky Long & Matthew Smith (Eds.), Deinstitutionalisation and After: Post-War Psychiatry in Global Perspective (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 57-74.
Alexander Dunst, “Sacco with Badiou: On the Political Ontology of Comics”, in: Daniel Worden (Eds.), The Comics of Joe Sacco: Journalism in a Visual World (Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press, 2015), 168-83.
Alexander Dunst, “Introduction: Third Reality: On the Persistence of Philip K. Dick", in: Alexander Dunst & Stefan Schlensag (Eds.), The World According to Philip K. Dick (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2015), 1-10.
Alexander Dunst, “Unheimliche Heimat: Homeland und die Ästhetik des Imperiums“, in: Martin Doll & Oliver Kohns (Eds.), Die Zwei Körper der Nation: Ästhetische Figurationen des Politischen (Munich: Fink, 2015), 17-38.
Alexander Dunst, “The Politics of Conspiracy Theories: American Histories and Global Narratives”, in: Michael Butter & Maurus Reinkowski (Eds.), Conspiracy Theories in the US and the Middle East: A Comparative Approach (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013), 293-311.
Alexander Dunst, “The Body of the Image, or towards a Collective Art Practice”, in: Artur van Balen & Jakub Simcik (Eds.), Eclectic Electric Collective: El Martillo Project (New York: Minor Compositions, 2012), n. p.
Alexander Dunst & Caroline Edwards, “Collective Subjects, Emancipatory Cultures, and Political Transformation”, Introduction to Collective Subjects and Political Transformation, Special Issue of Subjectivity 4-1 (2011), 1-8.
Alexander Dunst, “Thinking the Subject beyond its Death: Madness and Contemporary Culture”, in: Jan D. Kucharzewski, Stefanie Schäfer & Lutz Schowalter (Eds.), Hello, I Say, It’s Me: Contemporary Reconstructions of Self and Subjectivity (Trier: WVT, 2009), 76-92.
Book Reviews
Alexander Dunst, „Psychiatry’s Neoliberal Philosopher“ History of the Human Sciences 34 (2021), www.histhum.com/psychiatrys-neoliberal-philosopher-review-thomas-szasz
Alexander Dunst, “Oisín Wall, The British Anti-Psychiatrists” History of Psychiatry 30-1 (2019): 262-263.
Alexander Dunst, “Vera Nünning, Reading Fictions, Changing Minds" Anglia 134 (2016): 215-217.
Alexander Dunst “Timothy Melley: The Covert Sphere: Security, Fiction and the National Security State” Journal of American Studies 48-2 (2014): 685-686.
Alexander Dunst, “Martin Halliwell: Therapeutic Revolutions” History of Psychiatry 25-1 (2014): 7-8.
Alexander Dunst, “Michael E. Staub: Madness is Civilization: When the Diagnosis Was Social, 1948-1980” Amerikastudien 58-3 (2013): 517-518.
Alexander Dunst, “Android Gods: Philip K. Dick after Postmodernism” Textual Practice 25-4 (2011): 823-830.
Alexander Dunst, “Fredric Jameson: Valences of the Dialectic" Textual Practice 24-2 (2010): 379-382.
Alexander Dunst, “Fredric Jameson: Modernist Papers” Textual Practice 22-1 (2008): 151-55.
Published Conference Abstracts with Peer Review
Alexander Dunst & Rita Hartel, “Quantifying Complexity in Multimodal Media: Alan Moore and the ‘Density’ of the Graphic Novel” DH 2019: Book of Abstracts (Utrecht) [in print].
Alexander Dunst & Rita Hartel, “Multimodale Stilometrie: Herausforderungen und Potenzial kombinatorischer Bild- und Textanalysen“ DHd 2019: Book of Abstracts (Mainz/Frankfurt), 178-181.
Alexander Dunst & Rita Hartel, “Automated Genre and Author Distinction in Comics” DH 2018: Book of Abstracts (Mexico City), 184-188.
Alexander Dunst & Rita Hartel, “Auf dem Weg zur visuellen Stilometrie: Automatische Autor- und Genreunterscheidung in graphischen Narrativen” DHd 2018: Book of Abstracts (Cologne), 226-29.
Alexander Dunst & Rita Hartel, “Corpora and Complex Networks as Cultural Critique” Digital Humanities 2017: Conference Abstracts (Montréal), 228-30.
Alexander Dunst & Rita Hartel, Jochen Laubrock, Sven Hohenstein, “Corpus Analyses of Multimodal Narrative: The Example of Graphic Novels” DH 2016: Conference Abstracts (Cracow): 178-80.
Alexander Dunst & Rita Hartel, “Die Corpusanalyse Multimodaler Erzählungen” DHd 2016: Book of Abstracts (Leipzig), 120-22.
Alexander Dunst, Rita Hartel, Jochen Laubrock & Sven Hohenstein, “Digitale Analyse Graphischer Literatur” DHd 2015: Book of Abstracts (Graz), 310-12.
Academic Blog Entries
“The Experimental Humanities: Raymond Williams, Digital Data, and the Unfinished Project of ‚Materialist Recovery’“ Critical Habitations, criticalhabitations.wordpress.com/2019/01/31/debate-5-the-experimental-humanities (2019).
“Dialectics of Liberation” The Hidden Persuaders (Birkbeck College, London), www.bbk.ac.uk/hiddenpersuaders/blog/dialectics-of-liberation (2017).
“The Cold War as Metaphor” Berlin Center for Cold War Studies (Humboldt Universität Berlin), berlinerkolleg.com/en/blog/cold-war-metaphor (2017).
“Quantifying Comics” TORCH – The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (Oxford University), torch.ox.ac.uk/quantifying-comics (2016).
“The Posthuman Present: An Introduction” Critical Habitations, criticalhabitations.wordpress.com/debate/debate-2-the-posthuman-present/the-posthuman-present (2016).
John Odum & Liane Allen, “Philip K. Dick’s Legacy, Impact and More” Open World Chat, openworldchat.com/episode/alexander-dunst-the-world-according-to-philip-k-dick-pkds-legacy-impact-and-more-182
Verena Adamik, “Digital Humanities, with Alexander Dunst & Dennis Mischke“ Podcast Talking American Studies, buzzsprout.com/226421/890299-digital-humanities-dunst-mischke
Short Papers & Journalism
Dennis Mischke & Alexander Dunst, „The Data of American Studies: Why the Datafication of Research Matters“ Amerikastudien 68-1 (2023) [in press].
Alexander Dunst, „Beyond Close and Distant: Computation, Literary Sociology, and the Place of Interpretation” Amerikastudien67-1 (2022), 24-27.
Alexander Dunst, “Graphic Novels und die Macht der komplexen Bilder“ Neue Gesellschaft / Frankfurter Hefte 4 (2019): 57-59.
Alexander Dunst, “Graphic Novels are Comics Books, but Gentrified“ Jacobin (31 December 2019), www.jacobinmag.com/2019/12/graphic-novels-comic-books-gentrification.