Gastvortrag von Prof. Dr. Yukie Nagai zu "predictive learning"

Am 20. Februar hatten wir Besuch von unserer früheren Kollegin Yukie Nagai von der Osaka University, die einen spannenden und inspirierenden Gastvortrag zum Thema "Predictive Learning: A computational theory that accounts for social cognitive development" gehalten hat.

Yukie Nagai forscht im Bereich developmental robotics, und damit an der Schnittstelle von kognitiver Entwicklung und Robotik.

Abstract: My talk presents our computational studies to investigate the underlying mechanism for social cognitive development. The computational approach has a power to embody and test developmental hypotheses and even obtain deeper insights into their neural mechanisms. I have suggested that predictive learning, which is a function of minimizing prediction error in the human brain, plays a key role in development and reproduces various aspects of cognitive abilities such as self-cognition, reading other’s intention, altruistic behavior, and so on. Furthermore, autism spectrum disorder can be characterized by a deficit in prediction ability. My talk shows our robotic experiments to support our theory.

Weitere Informationen zu Yukie Nagais Arbeit finden Sie hier: <link http: en link-upb-extern>