From an un­con­scious place

After having accepted an invitation by Prof. Hohwiller to Paderborn University, renowned British author Alison Moore spent two days at the English Department. The author of the Booker-shortlisted novel The Lighthouse (Cromer: Salt 2012) not only gave a reading on 24 October which was hosted by Prof. Tönnies and Prof. Ribbat, but also conducted a creative writing workshop in one of Prof. Hohwiller’s classes the following day.

On both occasions listeners were captivated by Moore’s delivery of several of her finest narratives. Moore exemplified how she writes, as she put it, “from an unconscious place” by letting the audience in on the creative processes that eventually brought forth her latest collection Eastmouth and Other Stories (Cromer: Salt 2022).

Prof. Dr. Peter Hohwiller und Alison Moore