Prof. Dr. Merle Tönnies

Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik > Anglistik: Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft - Bereich Prof. Tönnies
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Petra Meyenbrock (
33098 Paderborn

Miscellaneous |
Since 2015 |
Representative of the Senate of the University Paderborn, member of the Senate since 2013 |
Since 2011 |
Member of the Research Commission of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities |
Since 2010 |
Faculty at the Representation of Arts and Humanities Faculties in Germany |
Since 10/2005 |
Professor of English Literature and British Cultural Studies at the University of Paderborn |
2014 - 2016 |
Deputy Chair of the Department for English and American Studies |
2007 - 2013 |
Vice President of the German Association for the Study of British Cultures |
2003 - 2007 |
Member of the advisory board of the German Association for the Study of English |
2005 |
Visiting Professor at the University of Constance |
2004 - 2005 |
Visiting Professor at the University of Bayreuth |
1998 - 2005 |
Research assistant at the Ruhr-University of Bochum |
2004 |
Visiting Professor at the Ruhr-University of Bochum |
2003 |
Venia legendi for English Philology |
2002 |
Regular participation in the selection processes for Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes |
1997 - 1998 |
Research assistant at the University of Bochum |
1996 |
Doctorate at the Ruhr-University of Bochum |
1993 - 1995 |
Postgraduate studies in English at the Exeter College, Oxford |
1988 - 1993 |
MA at the Ruhr-University of Bochum in English, Slavonic Studies and Public and International Law |
1990 - 1991 |
Visiting student at the Corpus Christi College, Oxford |
Since 2015 |
Representative of the Senate of the University Paderborn, member of the Senate since 2013 |
Since 2011 |
Member of the Research Commission of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities |
Since 2010 |
Faculty at the Representation of Arts and Humanities Faculties in Germany |
Since 10/2005 |
Professor of English Literature and British Cultural Studies at the University of Paderborn |
2014 - 2016 |
Deputy Chair of the Department for English and American Studies |
2007 - 2013 |
Vice President of the German Association for the Study of British Cultures |
2003 - 2007 |
Member of the advisory board of the German Association for the Study of English |
2005 |
Visiting Professor at the University of Constance |
2004 - 2005 |
Visiting Professor at the University of Bayreuth |
1998 - 2005 |
Research assistant at the Ruhr-University of Bochum |
2004 |
Visiting Professor at the Ruhr-University of Bochum |
2003 |
Venia legendi for English Philology |
2002 |
Regular participation in the selection processes for Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes |
1997 - 1998 |
Research assistant at the University of Bochum |
1996 |
Doctorate at the Ruhr-University of Bochum |
1993 - 1995 |
Postgraduate studies in English at the Exeter College, Oxford |
1988 - 1993 |
MA at the Ruhr-University of Bochum in English, Slavonic Studies and Public and International Law |
1990 - 1991 |
Visiting student at the Corpus Christi College, Oxford |
Latest Publications
Christine Schwanecke: A Narratology of Drama: Dramatic Storytelling in Theory, History, and Culture from the Renaissance to the Twenty-First Century
M. Tönnies, 34 (2023) 268–270.
Twenty-First Century Anxieties: Dys/Utopian Spaces and Contexts in Contemporary British Theatre
M. Tönnies, E. Voigts, The German Society for Contemporary Theatre and Drama in English, eds., Twenty-First Century Anxieties: Dys/Utopian Spaces and Contexts in Contemporary British Theatre, Walter deGruyter, Berlin, 2022.
Directing Pandemic Attention: Dystopian Corona Narratives and the Nation in British Media and Politics
M. Tönnies, C. Flotmann-Scholz, Anglistik: International Journal of English Studies 33 (2022) 257–272.
Anger, Anxiety and Hope: The Complicit Realities and Engaged/ing Communities of Contemporary Briitsh Dys/Utopian Theatre
M. Tönnies, E. Voigts, Twenty-First Century Anxieties: Dys/Utopian Spaces and Contexts in Contemporary British Theatre (CDE Studies) 32 (2022).
Constructions of a National Threat: Contextualising the Rhetorical Management of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Britain
M. Tönnies, in: P. Jacobi, A. Pankratz (Eds.), Mentalities and Materialities: Essays in Honour of Jürgen Kamm, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg, 2021, pp. 149–163.
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