
Theoretical philosophy is traditionally concerned with the topic of knowledge or (rational) cognition, its definition, reach, but also its limits.  In our research group, while acknowledging this tradition, we construe “theoretical philosophy” more broadly, to include the fields of culture, science, language, lifeworld, and history (among others).  We study theseas topics of philosophical reflection “post-split.”  

Always historically minded, we are especially interested in the movements of Classical German Philosophy, German Idealism, Neo-Kantianism, Phenomenology and Hermeneutics, American Pragmatism and the Philosophy of Mind.  We seek to promote topics of interest through regular conferences and workshops, so check back for announcements on these pages!

Net­works, Book Se­ries & Pro­jects

Jour­nal of Tran­scen­den­tal Phi­lo­so­phy

The Journal of Transcendental Philosophy (JTPH) provides a forum for philosophers working in the transcendental tradition, broadly construed as any form of thinking that presents itself as a creative continuation of the manner of philosophizing inaugurated by Kant.

Stu­di­en und Ma­te­ri­a­li­en zum Neu­kan­ti­a­nis­mus / Neo-Kan­ti­a­nism: In­ves­ti­ga­ti­ons and Texts

Der Neukantianismus ist eine in sich differenzierte Strömung, die seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zu den dreißiger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts die Philosophie in hohem Maße mitbestimmt hat. Die Buchreihe »Studien und Materialien zum Neukantianismus« veröffentlicht seit 1994 exzellente Studien zum Neukantianismus.

New Stu­dies in the His­to­ry and His­to­rio­gra­phy of Phi­lo­so­phy

This series aims to publish monographs and collected works that reconsider the history of early modern, modern, and contemporary "Western" philosophy. The editors especially encourage projects that pursue novel approaches to authors, texts, and debates.