Wis­senschaft­liche Mit­arbeit­er

Maike Bauer  

Maike Bauer

Research Associate

Office: C3.341
E-mail: maike.bauer@uni-paderborn.de
Web: Homepage

Office hours:

Individual appointments are possible during the lecture-free period summer term 2024 (via Zoom or in my office). Please send me an email.

Katharina Elbwart  

Dr. Katharina von Elbwart

Academic Councillor

Office: J4.204
Phone: +49 5251 60-2861
E-mail: katharina.elbwart@uni-paderborn.de
Web: Homepage

Office hours:

Please send an email to Katharina.elbwart@upb.de to schedule an appointment. Regular office hours will begin to resume from October 2024 on.

Julie Intveen  

Julie Intveen

Research Associate

Office: C3.341
Phone: +49 5251 60-3804
E-mail: julie.intveen@uni-paderborn.de

Office hours:

Office Hour: Tuesday, 2-3pm (on campus or via Zoom) or by appointment.
Please register for one or more timeslots here.