Dr. Katharina von Elbwart

Didaktik > Didaktik - Bereich Prof. Hohwiller
Akademische Rätin
Please use https://app.greminders.com/c/katharinave to make an appointment.
33098 Paderborn
- Forschungsschwerpunkte
Research interests:
Language regard and perceptual dialectology, Varieties of English (focus on American English), Educational linguistics, Language attitudes, Language teacher identity, Teaching Linguistics
Current projects:
Language ideologies in a multiethnic community: In line with previous research on language regard in South Florida, this project explores language ideologies in a multiethnic and multilingual context. It complements research on non-linguists’ beliefs about language in a linguistically diverse setting by showcasing how this context fosters language ideologies and whether diversity plays a role in forming representations of linguistic landscapes among Floridian residents. Data sets based on transcribed interviews are analyzed against the sociolinguistic variables of age, gender, and ethnicity and allow for a variationist approach to language ideologies (2023 - today).
Language Teacher Identity (LTI) and Language (Teacher) Attitudes: This is an ongoing qualitative research study on emerging LTIs which explores avenues of how teachers’ ideologies towards the use of language emerge in preservice academic contexts. Our research uses a mixed-methods approach and combines short narratives with an online attitude survey to be completed by respondents before and after a 15 week-long course in TESOL. As part of this project, one strand explores emerging and changing attitudes future teachers of English hold towards the use of English in class (before and after in-service training). This includes attitudes towards the use of English vs. other languages (heritage languages and/or German), but also towards the use of different (nonstandard) varieties of English in the context of Global Englishes and language teaching (2022 - today).
Teaching Language Internationally: International teaching and research collaboration together with W. Dunn (University of Alberta, Canada) and D. Keatinge (UPB), originally funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the OWL-Alberta cooperation We CAN virtuOWL. Current research investigates the role of student feedback and teaching in international collaborative online environments. More information on the virtual exchange can be found here: https://www.daad.de/de/der-daad/kommunikation-publikationen/presse/pressemitteilungen/digitale-chancen-auch-in-der-internationalen-hochschulzusammenarbeit-nutzen/ (2021 - today).
Completed projects:
mittelalt & literarisch: Production of an educational podcast series “mittelalt & literarisch” on Middle High German language and medieval culture, in collaboration with G. Herchert (University of Duisburg-Essen) and K. Winter (University of Münster), funded by University of Duisburg-Essen (2020-2021).
Language regard in Florida: Dissertation project on perceptual dialectology and language attitudes in Florida, USA. Sociolinguistic fieldwork which included interviews, questionnaires and perceptual data collection (2016-2019).
Academic writing in linguistics: Teaching project to develop students' abilities to compose linguistic research papers in cooperative learning environments. Awarded with Innovations in Teaching Award/Innovationspreis der Lehre 2016 (UDE).
- Schwerpunkte in der Lehre
Classes taught in (Applied) Linguistics:
Teaching Language - Focus on Global Englishes
Teaching language internationally
Vorbereitung/Begleitung Praxissemester BK/Gy/Ge
Diagnosis & Support: Focus on Multilingualism
Teaching English in primary schools (intermediate/advanced)
Bilingualism in the US
Language in US Society
Varieties of English
Approaches to Language: Sociolinguistics & Education
Languages in Contact
Introduction to Linguistics
The English Lexicon
Morphology & Syntax
Contrastive Linguistics
Foreign language classes in English and German in various contexts (ESL/EFL/DaZ/DaF)

Sonstiges |
Seit 11/2020 |
Akademische Rätin, Paderborn University (tenured) Applied Linguistics/Teaching English as a Foreign Language |
10/2020 |
Qualified Teacher Status (2. Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Berufskollegs) English & German |
05/2019 - 10/2020 |
Teacher training (Vorbereitungsdienst LA BK), Hans-Böckler Berufskolleg Marl |
09/2019 |
PhD, University of Duisburg-Essen Linguistics |
04/2014 - 05/2019 |
Research Fellow/PhD candidate (wiss. MA), University of Duisburg-Essen Linguistics and Varieties of English |
2018 |
Visiting scholar, Fort Hays State University, KS, USA Linguistics |
08/2014 |
Master of Arts, Florida Atlantic University, FL, USA Linguistics |
2013 - 2014 |
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Florida Atlantic University, FL, USA Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature |
06/2013 |
Teaching degree (1. Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Berufskollegs), University of Duisburg-Essen English, German & Economics |
Seit 11/2020 |
Akademische Rätin, Paderborn University (tenured) Applied Linguistics/Teaching English as a Foreign Language |
10/2020 |
Qualified Teacher Status (2. Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Berufskollegs) English & German |
05/2019 - 10/2020 |
Teacher training (Vorbereitungsdienst LA BK), Hans-Böckler Berufskolleg Marl |
09/2019 |
PhD, University of Duisburg-Essen Linguistics |
04/2014 - 05/2019 |
Research Fellow/PhD candidate (wiss. MA), University of Duisburg-Essen Linguistics and Varieties of English |
2018 |
Visiting scholar, Fort Hays State University, KS, USA Linguistics |
08/2014 |
Master of Arts, Florida Atlantic University, FL, USA Linguistics |
2013 - 2014 |
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Florida Atlantic University, FL, USA Department of Languages, Linguistics and Comparative Literature |
06/2013 |
Teaching degree (1. Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Berufskollegs), University of Duisburg-Essen English, German & Economics |
- Publications
von Elbwart, K.; Fisseni, B.; Winter, K.; Wodtke, E. (2023). Beackerte Felder: Kultur, Bildung, Erinnerung. Gaby Herchert zum 65. Perspektiven des Regionalen Band 1, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag. Available OA: https://duepublico2.uni-due.de/receive/duepublico_mods_00078171
von Elbwart, K. (2020). Language regard in the Sunshine State. Floridian perspectives on language ideologies and linguistic variation. WVT: Trier.
von Elbwart, K. (2014). Language Choice in Children’s Animated TV Shows. MA thesis. Florida Atlantic University.
von Elbwart, K. (in prep). ‘Variationist dialectology’ in multiethnic communities – The case of South Florida.
Schildhauer, P., von Elbwart, K. & Hartmann, J. (under review). The spread of the English language – Das Englische als globales Phänomen. Grundschule English. Grundschule English,Friedrich Verlag.
von Elbwart, K. & Alfes, L. (2022) „Painting America - Fostering visual literacy through art to teach US-American history and culture in EFL classrooms”, F&E Edition 27: Teaching the United States: Past, Present and Future Visions, PH Vorarlberg, 23-34. Available OA: https://www.ph-vorarlberg.ac.at/fileadmin/user_upload/RED_SOZ/PDFs/F_E_27/FE_27_03_Alfes_et_al.pdf
von Elbwart, K. (2022). English Only? Multilingualism in EFL classrooms., Praxis Englisch 03/2022, 44-46.
von Elbwart, K. (2021). Speaking Singlish - A legacy of Singapore's colonialism?, Praxis Englisch 4/2021, 44-46
von Elbwart, K. (2021). Welcome to Miami, bienvenido a Miami - Showcasing Florida to teach linguistic and cultural diversity in the EFL classroom, Praxis Englisch 1/2021, 44-46.
von Elbwart, K., & Keatinge, D. (under review). Assessing attitudes towards the use of Englishes in pre-service teacher education. To appear in Reckermann, J. & Römhild, R. (eds.). Global Englishes Language Teaching in Germany: Perspectives on Research, Teacher Education, and Classroom Practice. New York: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing.
von Elbwart, K. & Keatinge, D. (2023). Developing language teacher identity and leadership skills in intercultural learning environments. In Reinders, H. (Ed.). Language Teacher Leadership. Insights from Research and Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 209-228.
von Elbwart, K.; Fisseni, B.; Winter, K. (2023). Einführung. In: von Elbwart, K.; Fisseni, B.; Winter, K.; Wodtke, E. (2023). Beackerte Felder: Kultur, Bildung, Erinnerung. Gaby Herchert zum 65. Perspektiven des Regionalen Band 1, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag. Available OA: https://www.aschendorff-buchverlag.de/digibib/?digidownload&tid=26428
von Elbwart, K.; Winter, K.; Keidel, M. (2023). Podcasts in der Hochschullehre: mittelalt & literarisch. In: von Elbwart, K.; Fisseni, B.; Winter, K.; Wodtke, E. (2023). Beackerte Felder: Kultur, Bildung, Erinnerung. Gaby Herchert zum 65. Perspektiven des Regionalen Band 1, Münster: Aschendorff Verlag. Available OA: https://www.aschendorff-buchverlag.de/digibib/?digidownload&tid=26428
von Elbwart, K. (2022). A View from the Sunshine State: Mapping Perceptions and Language Ideologies in Florida. In P. Ronan and E. Ziegler (eds.). Language and Identity in Migration Contexts. Oxford: Peter Lang, 23-49.
von Elbwart, K. & Keatinge, D. (2022). Teaching Language Internationally – Wissenstransfer in einem deutsch-kanadischen Lehrprojekt in der Lehrer*innenausbildung. In Harmening, A., Leinfellner, S. & Meier, R. (Ed.). Wissenstransfer als Aufgabe, Herausforderung und Chance kulturwissenschaftlicher Forschung. Interdisziplinäre Studien des Paderborner Graduiertenzentrums für Kulturwissenschaften. Darmstadt: wbg academic.
von Elbwart, K., Burovikinha, V., Winter, K. (2021). Wer Jubiläen feiert, erinnert sich. In H. Cölfen, K. Helmer & G. Herchert (Eds.). Aller Ehre werth und nicht leicht zu ersetzen: Feste, Feiern, Jubiläen. Duisburg: Univ.-Verl. Rhein-Ruhr, 13-36.
von Elbwart, K. (2015). Mord am Hofe. Literarische Verarbeitung der Königsmarckaffäre. In H. Cölfen, K. Helmer & G. Herchert (Eds.), Aller Ehre werth und nicht leicht zu ersetzen: Adel, Hof und Höflichkeit: Symposion der AEET in Hansühn am 21.02.2014. Duisburg: Univ.-Verl. Rhein-Ruhr, 91-104. Available OA: https://duepublico2.uni-due.de/receive/duepublico_mods_00072645
von Elbwart, K., Hartmann, J. & Schildhauer, P. (under review). Introducing Global Englishes with young learners. Grundschule English. Grundschule English, Friedrich Verlag.
von Elbwart, K. (2023). “Sabotaged Pipelines and a Mystery: Who Did It? (Was it Russia?)” A look at international conflicts and ecological challenges. Englisch betrifft uns 1/2023: 19-23.
von Elbwart, K. (2022). Taking a bite out of the big apple - A New York Jeopardy! game. Englisch betrifft uns 1/2022.
von Elbwart, K. (2021). Of monasteries, hotels, and mansions - On the trail of Spanish architecture in Florida. Praxis Englisch 06/2021: 39-46.
von Elbwart, K. (2021). Code-switching: Expressing identity and belonging through language. A written exam. Englisch betrifft uns 5/2021: 23-26.
von Elbwart, K. (2021). Comics in the Classroom. Analyzing a Cartoon about Cultural Diversity and Systemic Racism in the US. A written exam. Englisch betrifft uns 4/2021: 23-26.
von Elbwart, K., & Moisich, O. (2021). Comics in the Classroom. Teaching vocabulary with superheroes - A word search puzzle. Englisch betrifft uns 4/2021.
Keatinge, D., von Elbwart, K. & Dunn, B. (2022). A Practice Report on Teaching Language Internationally in Germany and Canada. In Kathlyn Elliott (ed.). International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC) 2021 Conference Proceedings, 48-53. Available OA: https://iveconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/IVECFinal_Proceedings_2021.pdf
von Elbwart, K., Herchert, G. & Winter, K. (2020). mittelalt und literarisch. Podcastreihe zur Sprache und Literatur des Mittelalters. Universität Duisburg-Essen, abrufbar über: https://soundcloud.com/mittelalt-und-literarisch.https://soundcloud.com/mittelalt-und-literarisch.
von Elbwart, K. (2020). A Writers' Conference - Improving students' academic writing skills oder: Die Schreibkonferenz in der Hochschullehre. Lehrwerkstatt online. Zentrum für Hochschulqualitätsentwicklung, Universität Duisburg-Essen, abrufbar über: https://lehrwerkstatt.zhqe.uni-due.de.
- Talks
'Languages matter! Sprachbewusster Englischunterricht am Berufskolleg', Fremdsprachentag 2024, Englisch und Mehrsprachigkeit NRW, Sept. 18, 2024.
'Spanglish, migration and the world of work? Using Florida to teach linguistic and cultural diversity in vocational schools', Fremdsprachentag 2021, Englisch und Mehrsprachigkeit NRW, Sept. 29, 2021.
"Language in motion: Transforming Intercultural Learning through Linguistic Landscapes in Germany and Canada", Linguistic Landscapes 16, Essen (submitted).
with P. Meer. When linguistics meets English language education - Classroom linguistics in Germany. Anglistiktag 2025, Essen (workshop proposal submitted).
with D. Keatinge. “'I need to make sure that we focus on British and American English' - Attitudes towards Englishes in preservice TESOL professionals”. Anglistiktag 2025, Essen (submitted).
with D. Keatinge. "It’s not correct English!" Attitudes towards outer circle varieties of English in teacher education”. American Association for Applied Linguistics, Denver, Colorado, March 22-25.
with P. Schildhauer,. Designing Global Englishes Language Teaching (GELT) Materials" 2nd Classroom Linguistics SIG meeting, Paderborn, January 17, 2025.
with J. Hartmann & P. Schildhauer. „Designing Global Englishes Language Teaching (GELT) Materials - Challenges Across the Curriculum“. 2nd Annual ELINET Conference: Global Voices, Local Impact: Education, Language, and Diversity, Brazil, October 26-28, 2024.
with B. Dunn & D. Keatinge. 'The development of language teacher identity in an online international learning environment'. Theorizing Practice, Practicing Theory: 12th International Language Teacher Education Conference (CARLA), Minneapolis, MN, May 31-June 1, 2024.
with D. Keatinge. 'Teaching Language Internationally - Eine deutsch-kanadische Lehrkollaboration im „We CAN VirtuOWL” Verbundprojekt'. HRK ADVANCE Themenzyklustagung, online, Dec. 7, 2023.
'Sprachliche Grenzräume visualisieren: Perceptual dialectology im (Fremd)Sprachenunterricht'. 30. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung, Freiburg, Germany, Sept. 27-29, 2023.
with D. Keatinge. 'Language teacher identity über Grenzen hinweg? Identitätskonstruktion in internationalen Lernumgebungen in der LehrerInnenausbildung'. 30. Kongress für Fremdsprachendidaktik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Fremdsprachenforschung, Freiburg, Germany, Sept. 27-29, 2023.
with D. Keatinge. '"Them character been face with a life-changing decision." Assessing attitudes towards non-standard varieties of English in teacher education.' Global Englishes Language Teaching Symposium, Münster, Germany, May 31, 2023.
with B. Dunn & D. Keatinge. 'The construction of language teacher identity in an online collaborative learning environment for pre-service teachers', American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Portland, OR, US. March 18-21.
'Towards a socially just language teacher ideal? Deconstructing language ideologies in pre-service teacher education'. British Association of Applied Linguistics Conference 2022, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Sept. 1-3, 2022.
'To be or not to be a native speaker? Assessing language ideologies in teacher education'. Sociolinguistics Symposium 24, Ghent, Belgium, July 13-16.
'Language ideologies and perceptual dialectology in education: The case of Florida'. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Pittsburgh, PA, March 19-22.
with D. Keatinge. '"Just say it in English!“ – Language ideologies and language teacher identity in intercultural learning environments'. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), Pittsburgh, PA, March 19-22.
‘Variationist dialectology’ in multiethnic communities – The case of South Florida. New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV 49), University of Texas at Austin, USA, Oct. 19-24.
with D. Keatinge und B. Dunn. 'Practice report on “Teaching Language Internationally in Germany and Canada”', International Virtual Exchange Conference (IVEC), Drexel University & State University of New York (SUNY) COIL Center, Oct. 27-29.
with D. Keatinge. "'Since it is an English class, I would ask the students to talk in English.' – Der Einfluss von Spracheinstellungen auf die Entwicklung von Language Teacher Identity in internationaler Kommunikation", Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik Sektionentagung 2021 (Applied Linguistics in Germany), Würzburg, Germany, Sept. 15-17,2021.
'Linguistics in the classroom: Using Florida’s perceptual dialectology to teach linguistic and cultural diversity.' Bonn Applied English Linguistics conference (BAELc10), Bonn, Germany, June 10-12, 2021.
'Language, education and migration: Using perceptual dialectology to teach linguistic and cultural diversity.' Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity: Practices, Ideologies and Policies now and then 2021 (AMLI 3), Sussex, England, June 9-11, 2021.
'Variationist Dialectology: Language regard in Florida', International Society for the Linguistics of English (ISLE 6), Joensuu, Finland, June 2-5, 2021.
'Making diversity and language practices visible: Language regard in Florida', Third International Conference on Sociolinguistics (ICS.3), Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 26-28, 2020. (accepted for presentation, postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
'Analyzing linguistic variation in the 21st century: Map-drawing and language ideologies in ArcGIS', Methods XVII, Mainz, Germany, August 3-7, 2020. (accepted for presentation, postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
with V. Burovikhina and K. Winter. 'Wer Jubiläen feiert, erinnert sich.' Annual symposium organized by Arbeitsstelle für Edition und Editionstechnik (AEET), Wangels, Germany, Feb 28., 2020.
'The Perceptual Dialectology of South Florida'. Experimental Approaches to Perception and Production of Language Variation 2019 (ExAPP), Sept. 26-28, 2019, Münster, Germany.
'A view from the Sunshine State: Mapping perceptions and language'. Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity: Practices, Ideologies and Policies now and then 2019 (AMLI 2), Sept. 19-21, 2019, Essen, Germany.
'Of rednecks, snowbirds and Spanglish everywhere": The perceptual dialectology of Florida.' AILA-Europe Junior Researcher Meeting 2018 in Applied Linguistics, Sept. 10-11, 2018 Essen, Germany.
'Once you’re south of Orlando, you’re not in Florida anymore. - Mapping Perceptions and Language Attitudes in Florida.' Second International Conference on Sociolinguistics (ICS.2), Sept. 6-9 2018, Budapest, Hungary.
with J. Cramer. 'The impact of diversity on language regard.' New Ways of Analyzing Variation (NWAV 46), Wisconsin, USA, Nov 4-7, 2017.
“It's so Miami!” - Language awareness and attitudes in South Florida. 2017 Ruhr PhD Forum in American Studies, Essen und Dortmund, Germany, Jan 27-28, 2017.
'Mord am Hofe. Literarische Verarbeitung der Königsmarckaffäre’ [Interpreting the case of Königsmarck in current novels].' Annual symposium organized by Arbeitsstelle für Edition und Editionstechnik (AEET), Wangels, Germany, Feb 21, 2014.
Other (selected)
mit D. Keatinge. 'Initiating international teaching collaborations,' International week organized by the Department of English and American Studies, Paderborn University, April 26.
with D. Keatinge. 'Language Teacher Identities in intercultural learning environments', Forschungskolleg „Empirische Bildungsforschung“, Zentrum für Bildungsforschung und Lehrerbildung – PLAZ-Professional School, Universität Paderborn, July 13.
with D. Keatinge. 'Teaching Language Internationally' - Vorstellung des Lehrprojekts im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "International Tuesdays" der Universität Paderborn, June 22,.
with D. Keatinge. 'Teaching language internationally - Ein Werkstattbericht zum Wissenstransfer in einem deutsch-kanadischen Lehrprojekt in der Lehrer*innenausbildung' 13. Graduiertentagung der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften, Universität Paderborn, May, 25.
'¿Qué pasa, Florida? Mapping language ideologies and perceptions of linguistic variation in the Sunshine State', Linguistics Round Table, Essen, Feb. 5, 2020.'
'Language ideologies in the Sunshine State - Wie die Laienlinguistik uns hilft, sprachliche Diskriminierung aufzudecken.' Talk at the monthly meeting of the German-American Friends Niederrhein (DAFN e.V.), Oct. 31, 2019, Duisburg, Germany.
with A. Schemien. 'Jane the Latina Heroine? Negotiating sociolinguistic and cultural perspectives on heroism in Jane the Virgin.' Talk as part of the lecture series "We don't need another hero? Heroism in Contemporary Culture", July 3, 2018, Essen.
'How to improve students' academic writing skills. Linguistics Round Table, Essen, Jan. 18, 2017.
'A Writers' conference - Improving students' academic writing skills.' Awards ceremony for the Innovations in Teaching Award, ZfH, Essen, Sept. 1, 2016.
- Awards & fellowships
2023 Recognition of "Teaching Language Internationally" as a best practice example for multilingual teaching, HRK Advance, Bonn
2020 Recognition as the best graduate of the year (Zweites Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Berufskollegs), ZfsL GE
2018 Research and Teaching Fellow, English Department, Fort Hays State University, KS
2017 Student Travel Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI
2016 Innovations in Teaching Award (Lehrpreis für hochschuldidaktische Innovationen), UDE
2014 Outstanding Student Award (Erstes Staatsexamen für das Lehramt an Berufskollegs), UDE
2013 Graduate Teaching Assistantship, Florida Atlantic University, FL
2013 Fellowship, German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD
2010 Fellowship, Federation of German-American Clubs, VDAC
Additional qualifications:
2016 Certificate in Academic Instruction (Hochschuldidaktikzertifikat NRW), University of Duisburg-Essen
2015 German as a Second/Foreign Language Studies (DaF/DaZ Zertifikat), BAMF
2011 Teaching English as a Second Language Studies (ESL & TESL Certificate), Florida Atlantic University, USA