Ethical Machines

The questions of a philosophy and ethics of technology in a digital world are essentially concerned with a critical examination of our digital world. Such an investigation of the moral implications of new technologies thrives on an active discourse, which we want to initiate and promote with our Ethical Machines Team. If you are interested in taking part, please join our colloquium, take a look at our blog or contact us directly. We are looking forward to meeting you!


Sven Thomas

Applied ethics with a focus on technology ethics in the digital world

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Jun. Prof. Dr. Suzana Alpsancar

Applied ethics with a focus on technology ethics in the digital world

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Dr. Martina Philippi

Applied ethics with a focus on technology ethics in the digital world

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Karina Kuppe

Didaktik der Philosophie

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Eth­ic­al Ma­chines Col­loqui­um

Public colloquium in which current projects and theses are presented and discussed.

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Eth­ic­al Ma­chines Blog

This blog regularly shares posts around the topics we cover. Feel free to take a look!

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Study as­sist­ants

Amber Sofie Kieffer, studies B.Ed Philosophy and Eductional Science (Bk)

Sebastian Mantsch, studies M.A. Philosophy and Digial Humanities 

Marcus Müller, studies M.A. Philosophy and



Dennis Eller, studies M.Ed. Philosophy and History (Gy/Ge)

Daria-Leona Mac Award, studies Philosophy and English