Philosophy and ethics of technology in teaching

In our classes, we investigate the classical positions in Ethics and Philosophy of Technology as well as concrete case studies. The courses belong to the academic subject Philosophy (two- subject Bachelor’s and Cultural Studies Master’s programme) as well as Bachelor’s and Master’s of Education. In addition they are open to students from other Faculties, either as a supplementary subject for Bachelor’s programmes in Computer Science and Mathematics or via the ‘Studium Generale’. When taking these courses, it is particularly important to develop a source-critical view, since a wide variety of actors with diverse expertise and motives write and speak about combat drones, social bots, algorithmic decision-making systems or genetically modified organisms, for example. Another challenge is to relate theoretically reflected ethical positions and arguments to the respective case studies.


How do I re­gister for ex­ams (Stud­i­en-/Prü­fungsleis­tung)?

Your register via the Paderborner Assistenzsystem für Universität und Lehre (PAUL).

Log in and click on the item Exam Information, where you find Exam Registration.

How do I re­gister for a course be­latedly?

Within the first weeks there will be a list for you to enter your Name and student number Therefore, it is important for you to attend also without official registration. If there is available space you can participate.

Where do I find my ex­am­in­a­tion reg­u­la­tion?

Consider the following link to find help:


I have ques­tions or is­sues with PAUL – who can I con­tact for help?

If you have any questions or problems with PAUL, please contact the study office of your faculty—in this case for cultural studies:


How can I find my sem­in­ar room?

The seminar room is always given in PAUL; use the PAUL app to be more flexible. For orientation on campus, please look at the map or simply ask fellow students on site:


What do I have to con­sider when sub­mit­ting my work?

Please make sure that all relevant personal information are included and clearly readable (name, student number, etc.). Check your submission for completeness in terms of content and other documents e.g., exam certificate template or declaration of independency.

Where can I sub­mit my work?

Submission modalities are usually announced and explained by Dr. Alpsancar at the beginning of the semester. Principally, you can always submit elaborations such as essays, protocols or papers – in printed form- to Karina Kuppe (N2.113).

When will I get my grade?

Your grades are usually registered towards the end of the current semester or at the beginning of the following semester.

I need an ex­am cer­ti­fic­ate, where can I find it?

Where do I get back my ex­am cer­ti­fic­ates?

You receive them in the service office of the faculty of philosophy in room N2.106.

How do I come up with a top­ic for a sci­entif­ic work?

For this we recommend you to look at the document  ”Guidelines for writing a scientific paper in the subject of philosophy”.

How do I write an aca­dem­ic pa­per?

Again we refer to ”Guidelines for writing a scientific paper in the subject of philosophy“. However, you can also familiarize yourself with certain literature independently, for instance:

Flatscher, Matthias, Gerald Posselt, und Anja Weiberg. 2018. Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten im Philosophiestudium. 2. Auflage. Wien: facultas. (Available at UPB library)

How do I cite cor­rectly?

Inform yourself about the different styles of citation and -in best case- which style is suitable for your field of study / faculty. Furthermore, we recommend to have another look at the Guidelines, especially at the section concerning citation and application.

I am strug­gling with writ­ing in gen­er­al— where do I find sup­port?

If you have problems concerning the content, a discussion with your lecturer is usually very helpful. In case of writing-related questions we suggest to turn to the University Writing Center:


Where do I find guidelines and form­al­it­ies?

In principle, you find formalities for protocols and other writings in the respective PANDA-course.  Specifications regarding expected performance can be found in your examination regulations. Again, we recommend you the Guidelines.

Who do I con­tact in case of ad­di­tion­al ques­tions?

At the end of this document you will find links to additional FAQs. Moreover, you can use the Guide to the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in case of any specific questions:

If you are looking for a personal contact, you are welcome to ask lectures, consult the secretary or turn to a student assistents Falls Sie eine persönlichere Ansprechperson suchen, fragen Sie gerne das Lehrpersonal im Fach oder auch die Sekretariate und Hilfskräfte.

Who can I con­tact in case of a dif­fi­cult or im­paired phases, that is re­strict­ing my stud­ies?

Turn to the Student Advice Center of our Paderborn University:


Where do I find ad­di­tion­al help apart from this FAQ? Are there oth­er re­sources to con­sult for gen­er­al ques­tions con­cern­ing the fac­ulty of arts and hu­man­it­ies?

As mentioned above, please feel free to refer to the links listed below. There you will find further FAQs, explanations of abbreviations and terms used in everyday university life, as well as forms that you may need.