In the studios of the Kunstsilo, students of art can work with different materials and techniques. The workshops are used both within seminars and beyond for work on student projects.
A prerequisite for independent use is participation in the general safety introduction each semester.
In sculpture in particular, there are many artistic processes that take time and only lead to exciting results through intensive examination over a longer period of time. For the conceptual development of one's own artistic projects, it is also helpful to know materials and processes and to bring an idea of implementation possibilities, e.g. to a sculpture seminar.
Accompanying the art practical seminars as well as in the event format "Artistic Workshop" (advanced module I of the study programs Gy/Ge and BK) tutorials on sculptural techniques are offered, in which the handling of the various materials, tools and machines is taught.
Detailed information on the dates of the tutorials will be given in the practical art seminars of sculpture. When participating in the event format "Artistic Workshop", information will be given in PAUL and PANDA.
After prior registration with Marco Boscarato, the workshops can be used beyond the seminar time during the opening hours of the Art Silo.
An der allgemeinen Sicherheitseinführung muss jedes Semester teilgenommen werden. Die Teilnahme wird im Ausweis mit einer Unterschrift und einem Stempel bestätigt. Die Einführung findet im Rahmen der Bildhauerei-Seminare in den ersten beiden Semesterwochen statt. Seminarunabhängige Termine werden von Herrn Boscarato per Aushang bekanntgegeben.