Institute for Research on Musical Ability
The "Institute for Research on Musical Ability" is a research institution of the Paderborn University under the direction of Prof. Dr Marc Godau.
The aim of the institute is to scientifically substantiate music education research as an artistic, educational and social concern and to present it to the public. An important intention is to link research and artistic, educational and educational policy practice, to further develop educational research in the field of music, to strengthen the connection between research and music education and artistic practice and to communicate scientific findings on music education and its development to music education practice and the public, in particular in the following areas
- musical cultures under the conditions of post-digitality,
- music education and diversity,
- Expertise and innovation in music and music education,
- Music education practice and
- Future research in the field of music and music education.
Research projects
Current Publications
P. Gosmann, Musik Und Unterricht (2024) 46–52.
M. Godau, in: M. Fuchs (Ed.), Stimme, Medien, Umwelt. Kinder- und Jugendstimme, Logos, 2024, pp. 53–81.
M. Godau, P. Gosmann, Seminar 30 (2024) 76–91.
T. Neuhausen, M. Ahlers, in: D. Neuhaus, H.J. Keden (Eds.), Musik – Digitalisierung – Bildung, kopaed, München, 2024, pp. 77–96.
M. Haenisch, M. Godau, J. Barreiro, D. Maxelon, T. Neuhausen, in: M. Göllner, J. Honnens, V. Krupp, L. Oravec, S. Schmid (Eds.), 44. Jahresband des Arbeitskreises Musikpädagogische Forschung / 44th Yearbook of the German Association for Research in Music Education, Waxmann Verlag GmbH, 2023, pp. 305–322.
C. Rolle, L. Eusterbrock, M. Godau, M. Haenisch, M. Krebs, in: B. Jörissen, S. Kröner, L. Birnbaum, F. Krämer, F. Schmiedl (Eds.), Digitalisierung in der kulturellen Bildung. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven für ein Feld im Aufbruch, kopaed, München, 2023, pp. 43–46.
V. Weidner, M. Godau, M. Haenisch, M. Stenzel, in: B. Jörissen, S. Kröner, L. Birnbaum, F. Krämer, F. Schmiedl (Eds.), Digitalisierung in Der Kulturellen Bildung. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven Für Ein Feld Im Aufbruch, kopaed, München, 2023, pp. 47–50.
V. Weidner, K. Hermann, M. Godau, BMU Magazin 16 (2023) 8–13.
Show all publications
Head of Institute - Leitung Institut für Begabungsforschung in der Musik (IBFM)
Phone: 0049 176 82475797
BMBF-Entwicklungsprojekt KuMuS-ProNeD (Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Marc Godau)
Office: DW0.103
Phone: +49 5251 60-5212
Research project MusCoDA
Office: DW0.102
Phone: +49 5251 60-5211
Secretary -
Office: DW0.101
Phone: +49 5251 60-5210
BMBF-Entwicklungsprojekt KuMuS-ProNeD (Projektleitung: Prof. Dr. Marc Godau)