Episteme of Theology from an Interreligious perspective
Due to the initative of the Orient-Institute in Beirut a theological dialogue project with the title “Episteme of Theology from an Interreligious perspective” has been established in 2011. At three conferences Protestant, Catholic and Muslim theologians from different German universities met with Muslim Scholars from the Al-Azhar university in Cairo. Al-Azhar university is the biggest university of Sunni thinking and one of the most important educational institutions of Sunni Islam.
The Centre of Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) from the Unversity of Paderborn was intensively involved in the planning and realization of the project. Prof. Dr. Klaus von Stosch and Aaron Langenfeld are two of the Catholic systematic theologians attending the project. The three conferences were held in Wittenberg, Cairo and Münster. The aim of the conferences was it to develop a theological epistemology in an interreligious discourse. The topics which were worked on were “Scripture, Tradition, Dogma”, “Revelation and Religion” and “Ethics and Law”.