In­form­al know­ledge of the high­er edu­ca­tion sys­tem

The event informal knowledge of the higher education system takes place once a year and is intended to give all graduates the opportunity to ask the invited experts questions on interdisciplinary topics such as career planning, informal codes, networking, etc. The experts report on their individual career paths and shed light on the diversity of the higher education system from different perspectives. The experts report on their individual career paths and shed light on the diversity of the university system from different perspectives.

The following questions, among others, will be addressed:

  • What career paths are there after the doctorate in subjects of the Faculty of Cultural Studies?
  • What criteria are currently decisive in appointment procedures?
  • How can I network (better)?
  • How important are stays abroad during the qualification phases?
  • How many and which publications should I have during the doctoral and postdoc phases?
  • What tips can the speakers pass on?


Target group: People interested in doing a doctorate, doctoral candidates, postdocs, junior professors

Current dates: 21.10.2024; 4pm-6pm

Event room will be communicated on request: 

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Team of the Gradu­ate Centre KW

The team of the Graduate Centre introduces itself.