Sub­ject-spe­cif­ic fund­ing ad­vice

Subject-specific funding advice is provided by professors of the respective subjects and includes the acquisition of funding such as individual scholarships as well as third-party funding in the context of applications for individual and cooperative projects.


  • Target group: doctoral candidates, doctoral candidates, postdocs, junior professors
  • Note: for all those who are interested in third-party funding applications or obtaining their own position as well as other funding, for example from the DFG.
  • Current dates:


News­let­ter of the GKW

Our newsletter, to which you can subscribe, informs you about news from the Graduate Centre (events, deadlines, project announcements, etc.).

Cal­en­dar of events

Our calendar of events contains all UPB events for graduates, sorted by status group. Feel free to take a look at the calendar's features as well.

Team of the Gradu­ate Centre KW

The team of the Graduate Centre introduces itself.