Mark Spo­er­er/Korinna Schön­härl (Hg.): Staatsfin­an­zen und Kon­f­likt (Schwer­punk­theft Jahr­buch für Wirtschafts­geschichte 62 (2021) 2)

 |  Neuere und Neueste Geschichte

Spoerer/Korinna Schönhärl (Hg.): Staatsfinanzen und Konflikt (Schwerpunktheft Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 62 (2021) 2)

This special issue arose from a section at the Congress for Economic and Social History in Regensburg in March 2019 and focuses on fiscal conflicts in Europe from the early modern period until today. Distributive fiscal conflicts are seen here as a probe into the past which can increase our understanding of historical social structures. Fiscal history is analysed as a central arena of the modern state.