Welcome to the Department of Modern / Contemporary History!
How did the state order of Europe and Germany that we know today develop? How did industrialisation and bureaucratisation change people's living and working conditions? Why did the environment and society change particularly rapidly in certain periods, and what role did science and art play in this process? How did imperialism and colonialism change the world and what effects do they still have on globalisation today? The period between the French Revolution (1792) and the end of the Weimar Republic (1933) raises fascinating historical questions that can be explored using a wide variety of surviving sources, from letters to books, from artefacts to films. It is particularly important to us to convey the rich repertoire of historical methods, from discourse analysis to digital history. We look forward to exploring our questions with you!
The "Suisse Secrets" show just as much as the "Paradies" and the "Panama Papers": dishonest tax payments are increasingly perceived as a problem in the public consciousness and scandalised. But what exactly is tax morality?
Paderborn Postcolonial
The Paderborn postcolonial project searches for traces of the colonial past and present in Paderborn and the surrounding area and analyses them together with students at the Paderborn University. The long-term goal is to make the results accessible to a broad public.
International participation of women in the Spanish Civil War
The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) serves as an example in the project: In the ideological conflicts between communism vs. anti-communism and fascism vs. anti-fascism, women were able to re-position themselves in previously unknown ways and thus open up new fields of action and roles for themselves in the war.
Fictional historical narratives in the Spanish Civil War
The dissertation project deals with fictional historical narratives from the Spanish Civil War. Spanish and international intellectuals of all political colours took part in this conflict, also known as the first media war in history, in a variety of ways.
Der Zweite Weltkrieg und Holocaust(de-)-thematisierung auf YouTube (Julia Quast, Paderborn)
The NNG and ZG departments are organising a lecture series in winter with current research contributions on the history of the 19th to 21st centuries. A total of eight historians from Germany and Europe will give us an insight into their current research projects.
"Beitragen heißt Investieren in Spanien " - Steuererziehung im Spanien im Jahr 1990, in: Themenportal Europäische Geschichte, 2024, www.europa.clio-online.de/essay/id/fdae-134397.
Women in action. The perception of women in armed service in the Spanish Civil War in the international press, in: Köstner, Elena/Hartmann, Tina (eds.): Patrix. Patriarchal systematics and their reification (GenderStudies), Bielefeld 2024, pp. 117-137.
Korinna Schönhärl, Nasrin Düll, and Nadya Melina Ramírez Lugo
Tax Education After WWII: How Spain, the USA, and West Germany Tried to Make Their Citizens Pay Honestly, in: Tax Evasion and Tax Havens since the Nineteenth Century, ed. Sébastien Guex and Hadrien Buclin, Cham 2023, pp. 355-376, open access
Economic and fiscal policy as key areas of European unification, in: Mathias Häusler; Mechthild Roos (eds.): Europäische Einigung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. A historical stocktaking, Berlin 2024, pp. 115-128.
"The prehistory of 'social media'. On the dreams of digital communitisation and free communication", in: Federal Agency for Civic Education (ed.): Soziale Medien - wie sie wurden, was sie sind, Bonn 2024.
"Anything goes? The recent history of 'social media'. Between economy and community", in: Federal Agency for Civic Education (ed.): Soziale Medien - wie sie wurden, was sie sind, Bonn 2024.
Bilder vor unseren Augen - Bilder in unseren Köpfen. Stereotypes und Geschichte/Pictures Before Our Eyes-Pictures in Our Heads: Stereotypes and History, in: Sieh dir die Menschen an! Das neusachliche Typenporträt in der Weimarer Zeit, published by the Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, Berlin 2023, pp. 43-49.
Tax Morale and the Church: How Catholic Clergies Adapted Norms of Paying Taxes to Secular Institutions (1940s-1950s), in: Lutz, Martin; Skambraks, Tanja (eds.): Reassassing the Moral Economy: Religion and Economic Ethics from Ancient Greece to the 20th Century, Graz 2023, pp. 237 - 258.
International financial control: Greece under international curatorship in the 19th and 20th centuries, in: Jan Logemann, Stefanie Middendorf, Laura Rischbieter (eds.): Schulden machen: Praktiken der Staatsverschuldung im langen 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt am Main 2023, pp. 243 - 258.
Review of: Daniel Benedikt Stienen: Verkauftes Vaterland. The Moral Economy of the Land Market in Eastern Prussia 1886-1914, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2022, in: sehepunkte 22 (2022), no. 11.
Stereotype and history. Historical research into stereotypes
The Historical Stereotypes Research Centre (AHS) at the Institute of History at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg researches the history of stereotypes in an international context.
International History Group at the Association of German Historians
The group reflects on the dynamics of markets, networks and public spheres between local, national and global entities in their repercussions on the systemic logic of the world of states.
"Gender" is a possible perspective, not only with regard to the research object of economic and social history, but also with regard to the researchers.
The working group aims to present our research interests, activities and results and enables targeted networking.
The purpose of the society is the scientific cultivation of social and economic history as well as the representation of the interests of the subject area in public and vis-à-vis educational policy decision-makers.