Key­note von Prof. Harteis auf der EARLI JURE in Hel­sinki

Am Dienstag hält Prof. Christian Harteis auf der EARLI JURE Conference 2016 in Helsinki die Keynote zum Thema 

Preparing for dynamic work environments: Understanding expertise in domains of work

​The keynote addresses models of professional competence and their cognitive focus. The dynamic world of international labour markets requires workers who are competent and capable to cope with work tasks on a high level of performance. However, analyses of experts’ acting reveal the importance of intuition which refers to qualities of knowledge and knowing that go beyond cognition in a narrow sense. The keynote discusses several theoretical conceptions of intuition and related empirical research. A closer look into existing empirical studies reveals challenges of attempts gathering unconscious mental processes in empirical research. Finally, desiderata for future research on work-related learning.

Impressionen der Keynote aus den sozialen Medien: <link https: jure2016 status link-upb-extern>Tweet der EARLI JURE, <link https: jfaddar status link-upb-extern>Tweet von Jerich Faddar, <link https: liisapostareff status link-upb-extern>Tweet von Liisa Postareff.