Harteis, C. (2022). Research on Workplace Learning in Times of Digitalisation. In C. Harteis, D. Gijbels, & E. Kyndt (Eds.), Research Approaches on Workplace Learning: Insights from a Growing Field (pp. 415–428). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-89582-2_19
The article explores the particular quality of changes introduced through the latest wave of digital transformation of workplaces. It has effects on workflow processes, on distribution of work and tasks, and the mode of distributing working tasks, e.g. through cyber-physical systems. Hence, the changes in work are manifold and require changes in vocational education and training as well as in workplace learning. These changes reveal new challenges for research on workplace learning. Finally, conclusions for future workplace learning research will be developed.
Digitalisation, Self organisation, Distribution of labour, Automation
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