Professional Development Research Network (PDRnet)
PDRnet is a network of scholars interested in researching professional learning and development processes both in educational and workplace settings. In total, PDRnet consists of researchers from 12 different universities in 5 countries. We meet annually for a three day research symposium in which young researchers (graduate students, doctoral students, and Post-Docs) present their ongoing research projects to the participating PDRnet members. The meeting is also used to work on current research collaborations as well as to initiate new research projects.
Year | University | Country |
Upcoming 2025 | University of Kassel | Germany |
2024 | University of Turku | Finland |
2023 | University of Gothenburg | Sweden |
2021/2022 | Cancelled due to Covid pandemic | - |
2020 | University of Antwerp | Belgium |
2019 | University of Koblenz-Landau | Germany |
2018 | University of Paderborn | Germany |
2017 | University of Regensburg | Germany |
2016 | University of Leuven | Belgium |
2015 | University of Mannheim | Germany |
2014 | University of Bamberg | Germany |
2013 | University of Paderborn | Germany |
2011 | University of Regensburg | Germany |