Pro­fes­sion­al De­vel­op­ment Re­search Net­work (PDR­net)

PDRnet is a network of scholars interested in researching professional learning and development processes both in educational and workplace settings. In total, PDRnet consists of researchers from 12 different universities in 5 countries. We meet annually for a three day research symposium in which young researchers (graduate students, doctoral students, and Post-Docs) present their ongoing research projects to the participating PDRnet members. The meeting is also used to work on current research collaborations as well as to initiate new research projects.


University Country Scholars
University of Antwerp Belgium Prof. Dr. David Gijbels
Dr. Katrien Cuyvers
University of Dresden Germany Prof. Dr. Stephan Abele
University of Gothenburg Sweden Dr. Markus Nivala
University of Göttingen  Germany  Prof. Dr. Viola Deutscher
University of Hohenheim Germany Prof. Dr. Julia Warwas
University of Kassel Germany Prof. Dr. Michael Goller
University of Kaiserslautern-Landau Germany Prof. Dr. Josef Strasser
Tenure-Track-Prof. Dr. Susanne Wißhak
University of Konstanz  Germany  Tenure-Track-Prof. Dr. Stefanie Findeisen
University of Mannheim Germany Prof. Dr. Andreas Rausch
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seifried
Dr. Alexander Brodsky
University of Paderborn Germany Prof. Dr. Christian Harteis
Dr. Carina Caruso
Dr. Dagmar Festner
Bianca Steffen, M.A.
University of Regensburg Germany Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Gruber
Dr. Helen Jossberger
University of Stuttgart Germany Prof. Dr. Kristina Kögler
University of Turku Finland Prof. Dr. Erno Lehtinen
Dr. Tuire Palonen
Swinburne University Australia Prof. Dr. Eva Kyndt


Year University Country
Upcoming 2025 University of Kassel Germany
2024 University of Turku Finland
2023 University of Gothenburg Sweden
2021/2022 Cancelled due to Covid pandemic -
2020 University of Antwerp Belgium
2019 University of Koblenz-Landau Germany
2018 University of Paderborn Germany
2017 University of Regensburg Germany
2016 University of Leuven Belgium
2015 University of Mannheim Germany
2014 University of Bamberg Germany
2013 University of Paderborn Germany
2011 University of Regensburg Germany