BAföG certificates

From now on, certificates of achievement in the subject area of educational sciences and the two specialisations L and ESE no longer have to be certified using Form 5 as a rule. You only need to provide the BAföG office with the certificate of examination achievements (digitally as a certified pdf file from the Central Examination Office). In this way, we hope to be able to offer a more straightforward procedure for all parties involved.

If you have specific questions that deviate from the standard procedure, you will find the Institute's contact persons below.

Con­tact per­sons

Study programme

BAföG recognition through:

Primary school

Prof. Dr Petra Büker

Prof. Dr. Frank Hellmich

Special educational support

Prof. Dr. Timm Albers

Prof. Dr Brigitte Kottmann (L)

Prof. Dr Harry Kullmann

Prof. Dr Désirée Laubenstein (ESE)

Hauptschule, Realschule, secondary school and comprehensive school

Prof. Dr Bea Bloh

Prof. Dr Birgit Eickelmann

Grammar school/comprehensive school

Prof. Dr Birgit Eickelmann

Prof. Dr. Bardo Herzig

Vocational college

Prof. Dr Dietmar Heisler

Prof. Dr. Bardo Herzig