Ko­rin­na Schön­härl: Fi­nan­cing a Ne­w­born State un­der Pre­ca­rious Con­di­ti­ons: King Ot­to I of Gree­ce (1832-1862) and his Sources of Re­ve­nue and Cre­dit

Im Rahmen des Research Seminars "Economic History of Monarchy" wird Frau Schönhärl am 24.01.2022 von 18-19 Uhr einen Vortrag zum Thema "Financing a Newborn State under Precarious Conditions: King Otto I of Greece (1832-1862) and his Sources of Revenue and Credit":
In 1830, Prince Otto von Wittelsbach became King of Greece, a country on the periphery of Europe that had just gained state independence. The miserable economic situation made it necessary to borrow from abroad. The lecture examines the types of creditors who advanced money to Greece and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the various forms of credit.

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