Past Lec­tures

12 January 2022 Kolloquium für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte/Neuere und Neueste Geschichte Uni Göttingen

Tax Education als "Training in Citizenship": Spanien, die USA und Westdeutschland transnational, 1940er-1980er Jahre

5th-8th October 2021

Deutungskämpfe. 53. Historikertag in München

How can citizens be made to pay their taxes honestly? Debates about causes of and remedies for tax evasion from antiquity to the 20th century

24th-25th June 2021

Konferenz „Tax Evasion or Avoidance and Tax Havens, from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day“, Universität Lausanne

Tax education in the 1980s: how Spain, the USA and West Germany tried to make their citizens pay taxes honestly

March 2021 (originally 2020)

 ESSHC Leiden

Tax Morale: the Historiographical Examination of Norms on Tax Payment after Boom (1975-1985)

3 November 2020

KIT Karlsruhe, Kolloquium für Modern History

Do we really have to pay? Catholic discourses about honest tax payment behavior in the 1950s

27 October 2020

 Colloquium Modern and Recent History University Basel

Steuererziehung. Staatliche Kampagnen in Spanien und der BRD, 1945-1985

12 September 2020

Conference "Morality and Economy", University Rethymno/Crete (digital)

Do we really have to pay our taxes honestly? Discourses in U.S. American, Spanish and West German business ethic publications in the 1950

 26th-27th March 2020

Goethe-University Frankfurt

Digital Workshop: Not paying taxes. Tax evasion, tax avoidance and tax resistance in historical perspective. The Panel discussion at 26th March unfortunately had to be canceled. Link

 4 March 2020

 Heidelberg Center for American Studies

Panel discussion: Trust in the USA. Annual conference of the  Association for Social Policy (Verein für Socialpolitik), Committee for Economic History

22 January 2020

University Freiburg

Tay Morales. Comparison between Spain and the FRG between the 1940s and the 1980s. Steuermoral.

12th-13th September 2019


Tax Morale: Norms and values on tax payment in the FRG after boom (1975-1985). Workshop “White-collar crime in financial history”

6 September 2019

University Bern

Tax Morale as research topic. The "Office for Empirical Research on Social Economics" Cologne in the 1950s and 1960s. Workshop: Taxes and Inequality/Fiscalité et inégalités

24 June 2019

 University of Cologne, Colloquium for Modern History

  Cultural History of tax morale in the FRG in the 1980s

5 June 2019

 Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Colloquium for Modern History

  "...that the majority of taxpayers grasp every opportunity to escape from the increasingly unbearable burden". Norms and Values on Tax Payment in Western Germany after World War II

24th/25th May 2019

Humboldt University of Berlin, Workshop on Spanish History of the 19th/20th century

Tax Morale. The discourse on (honestly) paying taxes in Spain between the 1940s and 1980s


20 March 2019

Congress for Economic History, University of Regensburg

Tax Moral. Data in the Discourses in West Germany in the 1980s

28 January 2019

Goethe University Frankfurt, joint Colloquium for Modern History/ for Economic and Social History

Writing a history of tax moral? Methodological Considerations

7 December 2018

Université Lumière Lyon 2, UFR d'Economie-Gestion

Tax Morale in History

9 July 2018

University of Augsburg, Colloquium for Modern History

International Cultural History of Tax Morale

4 July 2018

Humboldt University of Berlin, Colloquium for Social- und Economic history

International History of Tax Morale

13 June 2018

Institute for Social Research, Hamburg

Tax Moral. An International Cultural History

10 August 2017

MPI for Public Finance, Munich

Tax Moral. A Research Project

31 July 2017

Historisches Kolleg, Munich: Annual Meeting of the Interdisciplinary Workgroup Tax History

Tax Moral. An International Cultural History

12 July 2017

Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (LMU), Research Colloquium on Contemporary History

Tax Moral. An International Cultural History

9 May 2017

LMU, joint Colloquium for Critical Analysis of Society (Sociology)/ for Political Theory (Political Sciences)

Tax Moral. International Discourses on Social Inequality in Historical Perspectiv


Lec­tures avail­able on­line

Uwe Ep­pler, René Hölts­chi, Christine Os­ter­loh-Kon­rad, Korinna Schön­härl, Alf­ons Weichen­rieder: Tax Com­pli­ance: his­tor­ische En­twicklun­gen, recht­liche Gren­zen und zukün­ftige Heraus­for­der­ungen (SAFE-IBF Policy We­bin­ar)

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Lec­ture by Korinna Schön­härl: "Do we really have to pay our taxes hon­estly? Dis­courses in U.S. Amer­ic­an, Span­ish and West Ger­man busi­ness eth­ic pub­lic­a­tions in the 1950s" (from 1:34:40 on)

How did different nations discuss citizens´ duty to pay their taxes? Are there differences in discourses about honest or dishonest tax payment behavriour? The paper investigates this question in a comparison of three publications from the field of business ethics in the 1950s in Spain, the USA and West Germany. The aim is to show that in this period of churches´ strong influence in society in all three nations, theologists dealt very different with the topic, concerning both the theological pre-assumptions and the practical guidelines they developed, even if they belonged to the same, transnational religious community. The paper argues that texts about tax morale are ideal sources to figure out how norms are constructed in societal discourse and to examine and compare the image of the “ideal citizen” in different nations. The lecture was held in September 2020.
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