Information on the final module examinations in the Bachelor's degree programme

Dear examination candidates,

The final module examinations (MAP) in the Teacher Training Master's degree programme are organised differently depending on the module and degree programme (see below for details). Please note that this is a final module examination that covers ALL content of the respective module (NOT an examination on the content of the course). Registration for the examination takes place as usual during the week-long registration periods in PAUL!

Overview of the courses with final module examination and the procedure in the individual modules (as of November 2022)

Module 1: Competence development
Module coordinator Faculty KW: Prof. Dr Dietmar Heisler
Module coordinators Faculty WW: Prof. Dr Marc Beutner, Prof. Dr Tobias Jenert, Prof. Dr H.-Hugo Kremer and Prof. Dr Peter F. E. Sloane
A final module examination takes place in this module. The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is the successful completion of the final module examination and qualified participation in the courses and the module.
General information: Information on the examination formats can be found here.
If you have any questions about the final module examination, please contact Prof. Dr. Marc Beutner and Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heisler, who are responsible for the final module examination.

Module 2: Vocational Education
Faculty responsible for the module KW: Prof. Dr Christian Harteis and Prof. Dr Dietmar Heisler
Faculty responsible for the module WW: Prof. Dr Marc Beutner, Prof. Dr Tobias Jenert, Prof. Dr H.-Hugo Kremer and Prof. Dr Peter F. E. Sloane
A final module examination takes place in this module. The prerequisite for the awarding of credit points is the successful completion of the final module examination and qualified participation in the courses and the module.
General information: Information on the examination formats can be found here.
If you have any questions about the final module examination, please contact Prof. Dr. Christian Harteis and Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heisler, who are responsible for the final module examination.

If you have any questions regarding organisation or content, please contact the respective module coordinators or your examiners.

The following table provides an overview of the modules of the degree programme and their exemplary classification in a curriculum:

Module BK1: Competence development (11LP)

4th semester

BM1a: Teaching and learning in vocational colleges

BM1b: Specialisation in teaching and learning in vocational colleges

BM1c: Aptitude and orientation internship with accompanying seminar

Module examination in connection with BM1a

Module BK2: Vocational education (7LP)

6th semester

BM2a: Structures, organisation, vocational training policy and institutions of vocational training

BM2b: In-depth study of structures, organisation, vocational education and training policy and institutions of vocational education and training

BM2c: Vocational field internship

Module examination in connection with BM2a

Con­tact per­son

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Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heisler

Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Berufspädagogik

Write email +49 5251 60-2951