The following table provides an overview of the modules of the degree programme and their exemplary classification in a curriculum:

Module BK1: Didactics of vocational education: Teaching and learning in educational programmes (6 CP)

1st semester

MM1a: Teaching and learning in educational programmes

MM1b: In-depth study of teaching and learning in educational programmes (in preparation for the practical semester)

Module examination in connection with MM1a

Module BK2: Designing vocational education and training (6 CP)

3rd semester

MM2a: Vocational education and training as a field of research and practice

MM2b: Specialisation in vocational education and training as a field of research and practice

Module examination in connection with MM2a

Module: BK3: Vocational education project and research work (11LP)

2nd and 4th semester

Part 1:

MM3a: Vocational pedagogical research

MM3b: Accompanying vocational education research

Part 2:

MM3c: Introductory event and individual profiling

MM3d: Cooperative project/research work in the context of vocational education and training

Module examination in connection with MM3d

Con­tact per­son

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Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heisler

Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Berufspädagogik

Write email +49 5251 60-2951