Mas­ter's de­gree in teach­ing at vo­ca­tion­al col­leges with a ma­jor vo­ca­tion­al spe­cial­isa­tion in mech­an­ic­al en­gin­eer­ing tech­no­logy in com­bin­a­tion with a minor vo­ca­tion­al spe­cial­isa­tion in pro­duc­tion tech­no­logy

Completion of the Master's degree programme in Teaching at Vocational Colleges qualifies students for the preparatory service for teaching at vocational colleges. On this degree programme, students choose one major vocational subject area and one minor vocational subject area:

  • Mechanical Engineering (major vocational specialisation) and Production Engineering (minor vocational specialisation) or
  • Electrical Engineering (major vocational specialisation) and Automation Technology (minor vocational specialisation) or
  • Information technology (small vocational specialisation)

Completion of a Bachelor's degree programme in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or a related subject area (B.Sc./B.Eng.) fulfils an important basic requirement for enrolment on this Master's degree programme (M.Ed.). Students at Paderborn University and our partner universities can already attend subject-specific didactic and educational science or vocational education courses during their Bachelor's degree programme in order to be able to enrol on the Master's degree programme without any conditions (Edu-Tech Net OWL cooperation project).

The following table provides an overview of the modules of the degree programme and their exemplary classification in a curriculum:

Module BK1: Didactics of vocational education: Teaching and learning in educational programmes (6 CP)

1st semester

MM1a: Teaching and learning in educational programmes

MM1b: In-depth study of teaching and learning in educational programmes (in preparation for the practical semester)

Module examination in connection with MM1a

Module BK2: Designing vocational education and training (6 CP)

3rd semester

MM2a: Vocational education and training as a field of research and practice

MM2b: Specialisation in vocational education and training as a field of research and practice

Module examination in connection with MM2a

Module: BK3: Vocational education project and research work (11LP)

2nd and 4th semester

Part 1:

MM3a: Vocational pedagogical research

MM3b: Accompanying vocational education research

Part 2:

MM3c: Introductory event and individual profiling

MM3d: Cooperative project/research work in the context of vocational education and training

Module examination in connection with MM3d

Con­tact per­son

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Prof. Dr. Dietmar Heisler

Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Berufspädagogik

Write email +49 5251 60-2951