Welcome to Sociology at Paderborn University!
The Sociology Department in Paderborn combines theoretical approaches from the sociology of work, education,organization and gender studies. The focus is on understanding and explaining social transformations such as digitality, sustainability, and migration. Paderborn sociology uses qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method approaches as well as computational social science in research and teaching. On this pages we would like to offer you an overview of our work areas, research focuses, and our teaching profile.
Paderborn Sociology sees itself as a department in which collaborative and cooperative research and teaching as well as joint decision-making take centre stage.
Our team and the associated doctoral students.
Completed projects
Paderborn Institute for Advanced Study: "Data Society"
Fortesy: Integration, social cohesion and the use of technology in the face of increasing social diversity: The German fire service.
BiGa: Educational trajectories and company gatekeeping processes.
GOWISS: New governance and gender equality in science.
BetA: The works council academy of the EVG trade union.
- Social inequality and right-wing populist attitudes
Obsidian-based exam: Fellowship programme for digital exams - H5P unit
ERASMUS - BIP Experience report on the exchange with Ostrava 2023
Publications from the field of sociology
Philipper, M. (2024). Zeit für Spracherwerb . Zeitpolitisches Magazin, 21(45), 28–30.
Knoll, L. (n.d.). Valuation and Sustainability. In A. Krüger, T. Peetz, & H. Schaefer (Eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of Valuation and Society. Routledge.
Wieczorek, O., Steinhardt, I., Schmidt, R., Mauermeister, S., & Schneijderberg, C. (2024). The Bot Delusion. Large language models and anticipated consequences for academics’ publication and citation behavior. Futures, 166, Article 103537. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.futures.2024.103537
Haker, C., & Otterspeer, L. (2024). Soziale Grenzen und Grenzbearbeitungen. Ein Zugang zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Bildungsforschung. In J. Drerup, N. Göddertz, R. Mattig, W. Thole, & U. Uhlendorff (Eds.), Bildungsforschung: Erziehungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven (pp. 87–103). J.B. Metzler. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-66923-5_6
Knoll, L., & Fraser, A. (2024). Social Impact Bond assetization struggles: A comparative case study of the United Kingdom and Germany. Economy and Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/03085147.2024.2309802
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You can currently study for a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and a Master's degree in Sociology. If you have any questions, please contact the degree programme coordinator.
Click here for an insight into current international exchange programmes (BIP - ERASMUS).