Workshop on early literacy and (digital) media
These days, early literacy is not only based on traditional paper picture books but also on digital media such as e-books, apps, television, or pc-games containing written or oral texts. The aim of this workshop is to exchange views on the potential and limits of (digital) media for children’s language and other forms of learning across infancy and early childhood (0 to 8).
We invite theoretical and practical approaches to early literacy and (digital) media to participate in our workshop at Paderborn University on September, 21st and 22nd, 2017 to the following domains:
- learning language with (digital) media: words, grammar, reading and writing skills, phonological and morphological awareness;
- the potential and limits of using (digital) media for all forms of learning in young children;
- predictive role of early literacy experience to later literacy and linguistic skills;
- implications for researchers, therapists, teachers and parents.
Prof. Dr. Adriana Bus, Leiden University
Workshop´s organizers
Prof. Dr. Katharina J. Rohlfing,
Paderborn University
Jun. Prof. Dr. Claudia Müller-Brauers,
University of Bochum
Dr. Friederike von Lehmden,
University of Bochum