Korinna Schön­härl als Dis­cussant bei der Kon­fer­enz "So­cial Europe and the Mak­ing of Eco­nom­ic and Mon­et­ary Uni­on: Con­tra­dic­tion in Terms or Missed Op­por­tun­it­ies? (1957-1992)"

Im Rahmen der Konferenz "Social Europe and the Making of Economic and Monetary Union: Contradiction in Terms or Missed Opportunities? (1957-1992)" nimmt Korinna Schönhärl als Discussant am ersten von insgesamt 3 Panels teil:

Panel I – Chair: Emmanuel Mourlon-Druol (EUI)
Claude Roccati (Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne): “The CFDT and EMU: an interesting ‘conversion’”
Discussant: Lorenzo Mechi (Università di Padova)

Marvin Schnippering (University of Glasgow): “The German Trade Union Confederation's vision for European monetary policy: an alternative that serves working people”
Discussant: Korinna Schönhärl (Universität Paderborn)

Rodrigo de la Torre (Universidad Complutense de Madrid): “Critics, but not Eurosceptics: Social Europe’s Influence on Spanish General Union of Workers”
Discussant: Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez (Max Planck Frankfurt-am-Main)


Das vollständige Programm finden Sie hier.