Gast­vor­trag von Prof. Dr. Yu­kie Na­gai zu "pre­dic­ti­ve lear­ning"

Am 20. Februar hatten wir Besuch von unserer früheren Kollegin Yukie Nagai von der Osaka University, die einen spannenden und inspirierenden Gastvortrag zum Thema "Predictive Learning: A computational theory that accounts for social cognitive development" gehalten hat.

Yukie Nagai forscht im Bereich developmental robotics, und damit an der Schnittstelle von kognitiver Entwicklung und Robotik.

Abstract: My talk presents our computational studies to investigate the underlying mechanism for social cognitive development. The computational approach has a power to embody and test developmental hypotheses and even obtain deeper insights into their neural mechanisms. I have suggested that predictive learning, which is a function of minimizing prediction error in the human brain, plays a key role in development and reproduces various aspects of cognitive abilities such as self-cognition, reading other’s intention, altruistic behavior, and so on. Furthermore, autism spectrum disorder can be characterized by a deficit in prediction ability. My talk shows our robotic experiments to support our theory.

Weitere Informationen zu Yukie Nagais Arbeit finden Sie hier: <link http: en link-upb-extern>