
Neue Pub­lika­tion zur Kom­pet­en­zman­age­ment­tabelle

In der KMT lassen sich fachliche, interpersonelle, methodische sowie kenntnisbezogene Kompetenzen abbilden. Außerdem sind Erweiterungen für sprachliche und außerberuflich erworbene Kompetenzen vorhanden.

Decius, J. & Schaper, N. (2017). The Competence Management Tool (CMT) – A new instrument to manage competences in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. Procedia Manufacturing, 9, 376-383. DOI: 10.1016/j.promfg.2017.04.041

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Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have to cope with globalization effects and technological change. Thus, strategic competence development is important, especially for low-skilled blue-collar workers who often do basic manufacturing tasks. However, only few available tools match the criteria which are important for personnel management in SMEs, as manageability, transparency of process, usability for different personnel development tasks and methodological rigor.


Within the research project StraKosphere, we developed the Competence Management Tool (CMT), matching the requirements we derived from employee and management interviews, using an established tool. The CMT includes the measurement of professional, interpersonal, methodical and knowledge-based competences. Furthermore, add-ons for verbal skills and outside the job acquired skills (e.g. during hobbies and leisure) are available.

First, actual or future competence requirements for a job are defined and evaluated afterwards, concerning employees’ actual competences. Individual and aggregated reporting is possible.


Decision makers may use the instrument to manage the competences of their employees in a strategic, conceptually and methodologically well-grounded way. It satisfies SMEs’ needs and is approachable for different target groups inside enterprises.


  • competence management;
  • small and medium-sized enterprises;
  • professional competence;
  • interpersonal competence;
  • methodical competence;
  • knowledge-based competence

Informationen zum Projekt StraKosphere: <link http: www.strakosphere.de strakosphere>www.strakosphere.de/strakosphere/

Ansprechpartner: Julian Decius (julian.decius[at]uni-paderborn.de)