Over­view of reg­u­lar events or­gan­ised by Dr. Chris­toph Wieth­off:

Dealing with disruptions in the classroom
Interactions between teachers and pupils in the classroom are often disruptive. Learning, teaching, concentrating - all of these activities can be disrupted by the various participants in the classroom. But what exactly are classroom disruptions, how can they be explained and how can they be dealt with? The course addresses these questions theoretically and with the help of practical examples and exercises.

Counselling in schools

-Counselling in schools I
Counselling is an integral part of the teaching profession; every teacher needs 'counselling skills' - but what exactly is counselling? This question will first be explored theoretically in the seminar before getting to know a special counselling procedure and trying it out in practice.
- Counselling in schools II
In the seminar, the counselling techniques acquired in the previous seminar are deepened and expanded.
- Learning support through coaching
The seminar "Learning support through coaching" takes place in cooperation with various schools in the area where counselling for pupils is offered by
The seminar corresponds in scope to the normal 2 SWS
(semester hours per week), but is structured differently: On the one hand, it is divided into a theory and training phase consisting of two information events and a practice block at the weekend. These phases teach the basics of counselling in schools. Secondly, there is a practical phase in which the students offer counselling sessions for pupils in schools. In addition to a plenary session for interim reflection, a final plenary session takes place in the penultimate week of the semester in which the practical phase is evaluated. Supervision appointments are offered regularly during the practical phase. At these appointments, the counselling experiences are discussed
. Recordings of individual counselling sessions
are made for this purpose. Each student takes part in one supervision session with their group during the semester.
- Collegial counselling in the teaching staff
Collegial case counselling is a procedure with which teachers can jointly discuss and solve problems from their everyday school life without the need for a professional counsellor. In the seminar, the theoretical foundations of collegial case counselling are developed in order to apply the procedure in practice and practise special techniques.

School development
Schools are required to formulate their own programme and develop a conscious profile. On this basis, school development opportunities are considered from different perspectives.

Support during school transitions
The end of every pupil's school career is characterised, among other things, by the transition into education. The seminar deals with theoretical explanations and support approaches as well as concrete and tried-and-tested ways of helping pupils to successfully organise this transition on an individual basis.

Interaction & communication
-Interaction & communication - an introduction
Interaction and communication skills are basic competences in educational processes. The seminar provides an introduction to corresponding concepts and theories.

Managing interaction in groups
Every interaction in a group is characterised by diversity and dynamics. The seminar explores the question of how to act in and with groups in an educationally meaningful way and how to utilise group processes to one's advantage.