Forschung in der AG Diagnostik und Förderung

What we do in our research

Our research activities focus on the area of learning and personal development in schools and universities. Our methodological focus is on the development and validation of diagnostic instruments as well as the development and evaluation of intervention measures.


In our work, we summarise self-management as all the strategies and activities that people use to pursue their goals and put their intentions into practice. A particular focus here is on emotional, motivational and volitional control in learning and stressful situations.

Promotion of personal and self-development

Our work aims to show how teachers at schools and lecturers at universities can support their students in their personal development, beyond performance and achievement motivation. One focus is on the diagnostic competence of teachers and the trialling of innovative higher education didactic concepts.

Unsere Projekte

Jump the Rubicon

We are developing a training programme for the prevention of (academic) procrastination, which takes particular account of multiple goals in procrastination episodes. The training programme, which is being developed in cooperation with Bowdoin College, consists of several modules, some of which are taught in person, via app and video.

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The aim of the project, funded by Techniker Krankenkasse, is to develop and evaluate a training programme to prevent and reduce academic procrastination. This is based on the guidelines of the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM) and current findings from procrastination research.

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The aim of the project, which is sponsored by the Innovative University Teaching Foundation, is to promote students' motivation and interdisciplinary skills. To this end, we have brought together the university's internal counselling centre ProLernen with the online self-assessment of LehramtsNavis.

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The interdisciplinary three-year event series PPIK - Paderborn Perspectives on Inclusion - interdisciplinary, discursive, practice-oriented - colloquia, college and fireside chats is aimed at doctoral candidates who are interested in issues relating to heterogeneity and inclusion.

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GEProS is an innovative learning opportunity for student teachers. The name is derived from the objective and stands for game- and e-learning-based, problem-orientated and self-directed learning environment. The learning environment is realised as a kind of "point-and-click adventure" in which students can practise diagnostic activities.

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Hallway on the first floor of building B of Paderborn University.


As part of our QUICS project (Qualitative Content Analysis of Corona Surveys for Students), the numerous contributions from students in the surveys on studying under corona conditions at Paderborn University were systematically analysed.

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