Welcome to ProLernen!

ProLernen is a counseling center that can help students with issues relating to procrastination. If they often have problems starting their tasks on time, keep putting off tasks or have difficulty maintaining focus on tasks, our services are just the right match for them! 

We're happy to help!

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We are happy to help!

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Does this sound familiar? You actually planned to write your homework early, but you've been putting it off for weeks. Instead, your kitchen is now sparkling and your screen time has increased by 30%. This unnecessary postponement of important tasks is called procrastination and is widespread among students. Not only does the quality of work suffer, but often your own well-being suffers. If you leave too many tasks incomplete, you can no longer really enjoy your free time because you always feel like you can't afford to take a break. On top of this, there is great time pressure before deadlines and a constant guilty conscience...

The good news is: Targeted strategies to improve self-management can reduce your procrastination and increase your well-being!


Our of­fers for stu­dents

Our services are characterized by the fact that we focus on your personal self-management in a resource- and solution-oriented manner.

The “Pro” in ProLernen stands for procrastination on the one hand, and for self-management and learning on the other hand. The different services from ProLernen are all targeted to make you a professional in managing your goals, resources, and needs, which can reduce procrastination. Our services are all based on current results of psychological procrastination research as well as tried and tested approaches from systemic and resource-oriented consulting and coaching practice.

Events (all in Ger­man)

In­di­vidu­al coach­ing

In our individual consultations, we take the time to personally address your concerns.

ProL­ernen Group

One of the most important strategies for changing behaviour is continuity. That's why we offer a weekly group programme.


Our tried-and-tested, semester-accompanying workshop format: finally put an end to eternal procrastination.

Pro­GRess Block­sem­in­ar

In this 3-day anti-procrastination training course, we work with the evidence-based, resource-orientated approach of the Zurich Resource Model.

Treas­ure chest

Open the treasure chest and discover a variety of useful materials, including videos, podcasts, exercises and further information on the topic of procrastination!

Ak­tueller News­let­ter

Im ProLernen Newsletter im Juni stellen wir euch eine Strategie aus dem Bereich des Selbstmanagements vor. Dabei geht es darum, Fragestellungen mittels einer Skala zu visualisieren und dadurch ungenutzte Lösungsmöglichkeiten zu entdecken.

Eine genaue Anleitung findet ihr im Newsletter und auf dem zugehörigen Arbeitsblatt  könnt ihr das Ganze direkt selber ausprobieren.

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Sub­scribe to the news­let­ter

Once a month, our newsletter provides you with inspiration for a self-regulated daily study routine and useful information from current procrastination research. The newsletter is only published in German.

Our pro­jects


Light-footed and sustainable against academic procrastination


Finding and implementing personal goals in a resource-orientated way

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Tackle Your Procrastination!