Welcome to ProLernen!
ProLernen is a counseling center that can help students with issues relating to procrastination. If they often have problems starting their tasks on time, keep putting off tasks or have difficulty maintaining focus on tasks, our services are just the right match for them!
Does this sound familiar? You actually planned to write your homework early, but you've been putting it off for weeks. Instead, your kitchen is now sparkling and your screen time has increased by 30%. This unnecessary postponement of important tasks is called procrastination and is widespread among students. Not only does the quality of work suffer, but often your own well-being suffers. If you leave too many tasks incomplete, you can no longer really enjoy your free time because you always feel like you can't afford to take a break. On top of this, there is great time pressure before deadlines and a constant guilty conscience...
The good news is: Targeted strategies to improve self-management can reduce your procrastination and increase your well-being!
Our offers for students
Our services are characterized by the fact that we focus on your personal self-management in a resource- and solution-oriented manner.
The “Pro” in ProLernen stands for procrastination on the one hand, and for self-management and learning on the other hand. The different services from ProLernen are all targeted to make you a professional in managing your goals, resources, and needs, which can reduce procrastination. Our services are all based on current results of psychological procrastination research as well as tried and tested approaches from systemic and resource-oriented consulting and coaching practice.
Aktueller Newsletter
Im Oktober-Newsletter von ProLernen geht es um den Umgang mit Stress im Semesterverlauf und wie dieser unsere Produktivität beeinflusst. Vorgestellt werden das Yerkes-Dodson-Gesetz, das erklärt, warum ein mittleres Stressniveau am leistungsförderlichsten ist und das Transaktionsmodell nach Lazarus, in dem betont wird, wie subjektiv Stress wahrgenommen wird. Außerdem erhaltet ihr Tipps, wie ihr eure ihre Ressourcen und Belastungen besser im Blick behalten könnt.
Mithilfe des zugehörigen Arbeitsblattes könnt ihr eure Stressfaktoren ermitteln und mögliche Bewältigungsstrategien reflektieren.
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