
Wie stel­len sich Stu­die­ren­de das Le­sen von Tex­ten vor?

Ein neuer Ansatz aus der Arbeitgruppe von Frau Prof. Scharlau untersucht, wie Studierende sich das Lesen von Texten vorstellen und ergibt mögliche Erklärungen für Schwierigkeiten beim Erfassen akademischer Texte. Dazu wurden Metaphern des Lesens hinsichtlich ihrer Aktivitätscharakteristika untersucht.
Scharlau, I., Körber, M., & Karsten, A. (2019). Plunging into a world? A novel approach to undergraduates' metaphors of reading. Frontline Learning Research, 9(4), 25-57. doi: 10.14786/flr.v7i4.559 Online hier: journals.sfu.ca/flr/index.php/journal/article/view/559/597
Abstract: Although there is considerable research on and knowledge about students’ conceptualizations of learning or academic practices and skills, the variability of these conceptualizations has been consistently neglected. In the present study, we address this variability in the field of academic reading with the help of a novel approach. Drawing on qualitative metaphor analysis, we report a detailed system of students’ conceptual metaphors of reading. Our specific methodological approach to identify the structure of these conceptual metaphors allows to analyze subjective agency on a lexical as well as grammatical level. The conceptual metaphors we identified by this method are markedly variable, although they create an overall impression of medium to low agency, that is a reader who is only weakly active or potent. Interrater reliability of the coding system was very good. We also report and analyze the frequency of the conceptual metaphors in a sample of 143 texts written by bachelor students.