Accompanying research seminar
General information:
During the practical semester, students complete an accompanying research seminar in one of the subject areas studied, in the educational sciences or - depending on the programme - in a higher-level field. This seminar accompanies and supports the methodological preparation, implementation, evaluation and reflection of study and teaching projects. The final module examination is also taken in connection with the accompanying research seminar.
Accompanying research seminar with Dr Christoph Wiethoff:
In the accompanying research seminar, students develop an educational science-oriented study project during the practical semester, which they carry out in individual or group work at their own practical semester schools and subsequently evaluate. The seminar offers an introduction to the basics of practical research as a structured form of so-called 'research-based learning' and supports students during their own research process.
'Research-based learning' is aimed at "independent, interest-led scientific examination of self-chosen questions ..., [represents] an individual learning process ..., [generates] scientific knowledge in the course of a problem-related research process ..., [follows] a scientifically justified research logic or related research steps ..., [whereby research-based learning] should be intersubjectively comprehensible in its process and in the genesis of its results and documented accordingly".
(Tulodziecki, G./Herzig, B./Blömeke, S. (2017): Designing lessons (3rd ed.). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 325).
You can find summarised information on my BiWi accompanying research seminars here.