
In­ter­na­tion­al Sem­in­ar “Wo­men in the His­tory of Philo­sophy: Di­otima and Han­nah Aren­dt“

The teaching and research area “History of Women Philosophers and Scientists” of the department of Philosophy organized an international seminar in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Lale Levin Basut (Yeditepe University, Turkey) and Dr. Marieke Borren (Pretoria Unversity, South Africa).

This international seminar offers a close look on the philosophical contributions of two significant women thinkers, Diotima, who was a teacher of Socrates and discussed the platonic doctrines in Symposium, and Hannah Arendt, who influenced the political philosophy of the 20th century. After a joint introduction, Prof. Dr. Lale Levin Basut and Dr. Marieke Borren will lecture in two different groups, each focusing on one of the women philosophers.

The influence and relevance of the contributions will be discussed from a modern perspective. 

The list of invited speakers includes:

Prof. Dr. Lale Levin Basut (Yeditepe University, Turkey)
Dr. Marieke Borren (Pretoria University, South Africa)


Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber
Dr. Maria Robaszkiewicz