M ä n n l i c h , we i b l i c h , d i ve r s ? Philosophische Anthropologie der Geschlechter
Ein Symposion der Josef Pieper Stiftung
Samstag, 23. November bis Sonntag, 24. November 2019 Verleihung des Josef Pieper PreisesSymposion
Über Geschlechter lässt sich trefflich streiten. Die jüngste Verlautbarung der Vatikanischen Bildungskongregation „Als Mann und Frau schuf er sie“ zum Thema Gender-Theorien und Erziehung hat eine lebhafte…
Full title: “Science in the Making: Alternative approaches to Science and Philosophy. Laura Bassi (1711-77) Du Châtelet (1706-1749) Luise Gottsched (1713 – 1754)”
Time: 9:30-10:20 a.m.
Institution: University of Calabria
Cubo 18C, VI piano, aula seminari Via Pietro Bucci Arcavacata, 87036 Italy
Studentische Vortragsreihe und offene Diskussion
Termin: Fr, 26.01.2018
Zeit: 15:30-19:00 Uhr
Ort: Hörsaal 02
Terminator, The Matrix, Blade Runner - unsere Zukunft?
Der Einfluss des technologischen Fortschritts auf unser heutiges Leben ist offensichtlich; noch nicht so offensichtlich ist wo die Reise hingeht. In studentischen Vorträgen stellen wir diverse interdisziplinäre Fragen der Informatik, Ethik, Anthropologie, Psychologie,…
Thursday, November 23rd, 1:00 PM - 6:00PM & Friday, November 24th, 9:00AM -1:30 PM | Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists, Paderborn University
All are welcomed to attend!
Please RSVP to Rodney Parker (rodney.parker@uni-paderborn.de) by 19. November.
For further information see...
German version
Prof. Ruth Hagengruber will give a talk on "Making the Women Philosophers in the History of Philosophy Visible" at the annual Society for Women in Philosophy e. V. (SWIP) conference at the University Bielefeld.
For more information see
The Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists warmly invites you to celebrate our one-year anniversary. The event will be kicked off with a talk by Dr. Rodney Parker and Niklas Olmes on “The Center HWPS as a Project in Digital Humanities” with discussion to follow. The talk will give an overview of some of the projects currently underway at the Center HWPS, with special emphasis on our work with the manuscripts of Émilie Du…
The third Research Colloquium "History of Women Philosophers" at the Center for the History of Women Philosophers ans Scientists offers two workshops and two talks.
For more information see https://historyofwomenphilosophers.org/study/research-colloquium/
This ||. Autumn School at the Center History of Women Philosophers and Scientists offers units on the thoughts of women philosophers from1600_1900 for advanced students who are interested in the history of women philosophers.
For more information on the ||. Autumn School see
The Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (HWPS) , sponsored by the Ministry of Innovation, Higher Education, and Research of North Rhine-Westphalia, in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Department of Philosophy at Paderborn University announces the First International Libori Summer School 2017 July, 23rd to 28th, 2017. The Libori Summer School offers five parallel courses held by leading experts in the specific…
SCIENCE_ONTalk with Cécile Schortmann - When do the machines take over?SCIENCE ON - the new series of talks by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Bundeskunsthalle (national gallery) will start in Bonn, July 2017.Presenter Cécile Schortmann (ARD, 3sat Kulturzeit) will discuss the topic with the guests and audience.Guests:Ruth Hagengruber, Professor of Philosophy, Paderborn UniversityJens Redmer, Business Development, GoogleCatherin…
International Workshop organized by Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (Università del Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli) in cooperation with the Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (Paderborn University).
Thursday, 11.05.2017 - Friday, 12.05.2017
SCIENTIFIC BOARD: Sabrina Ebbersmeyer, Ruth Hagengruber, Sarah Hutton,Gianni Paganini
SPONSORS: Comune di Vercelli, PRIN National Research Project: EarlyModern Philosophy in…
Ruth Hagengruber: "Émilie Du Châtelet: Models of Relations and Activity between Leibniz and Newton"
Prof. Dr. Ruth Hagengruber (University Paderborn) will deliver the keynote speech on "Émilie Du Châtelet: Models of Relations and Activity between Leibniz and Newton" on the first day of the conference "Emerging Activity" (February 16th-17th, 2017) at Humboldt-Universität Berlin.
Location: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Sophienstr. 22a