In the accompanying research seminar, students develop an educational science-oriented study project during the practical semester, which they carry out in individual or group work at their own practical semester schools and then evaluate. The seminar offers an introduction to the basics of practical research as a structured form of so-called 'research-based learning' and supports students during their own research process.
'Research-based learning' is aimed at "independent, interest-led scientific examination of self-chosen questions ..., [represents] an individual learning process ..., [generates] scientific knowledge in the course of a problem-related research process ..., [follows] a scientifically justified research logic or related research steps ..., [whereby research-based learning] should be intersubjectively comprehensible in its process and in the genesis of its results and documented accordingly".
(Tulodziecki, G./Herzig, B./Blömeke, S. (2017): Designing lessons (3rd ed.). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 325).
You can find summarised information here.
The seminar programme is aimed at students in the second semester of the Teacher Training Master's degree (HRSGe / GyGe / BK). During the semester, students put together courses from a catalogue with a total workload of at least 24 teaching units (45 minutes each). The seminar structure is intended to ensure that students can use individually meaningful offers in the context of their professionalisation, which on the one hand correspond to the module ("Learning in Secondary School I" or "Development and Learning", see respective examination regulations) and on the other hand are meaningful for each individual student in the individual management of the practical semester and thus strengthen their own teacher professionalism and key competences. The individual development of the professional self can be taken into account here, as this is a customisable modular offer.
You can find information on the Module 1 specialisation here.
Individual offers as part of the "In-depth Module 1":
Counselling for pupils
Counselling is an integral part of the teaching profession; every teacher needs 'counselling skills' - but what is counselling anyway? What challenges arise from the dual role of 'teacher - counsellor'? What issues arise when counselling pupils? These questions will first be explored theoretically in the seminar before getting to know a special counselling procedure and trying it out in practice.
Dealing with disruptions in lessons
Individually experienced or anticipated forms of classroom disruption will be categorised and reflected upon using selected concepts and models of classroom disruption, and considerations on possibilities for prevention and intervention will be made and discussed. An individually considered situation is reflected on in a comprehensible manner with the help of a procedure derived from the concepts.
Support during school transitions
The end of every pupil's school career is characterised, among other things, by the transition to vocational training, higher education or similar. The seminar deals with theoretical explanations and support approaches as well as concrete and tried-and-tested ways of helping pupils to successfully organise this transition on an individual basis.
Basic course in practical research [online]
The "Basic Practical Research Course" is intended to introduce students to the basics of practical research on schools and teaching, as provided for in the practical semester. The focus is on the development of appropriate research questions. It also provides an overview and insight into the most important research methods and designs of practical research.
Designing qualitative interview guidelines [online]
In this online programme, students receive materials on the basics and principles as well as the planning of guided interviews in order to develop their own interview guidelines. This independently developed guide is uploaded to the PANDA course of the same name. There, students receive brief feedback in point and/or written form.
Conducting qualitative interviews
In this classroom course, students learn the basics and framework conditions for conducting interviews. Interview and enquiry techniques are introduced and tested in practical interview situations.
Qualitative content-analytical evaluation of interviews [online]
In this online course, students receive materials on the basics and principles of analysing qualitative interview data in order to independently develop a category system for extracting their own interview transcript. This is uploaded to the PANDA course of the same name. There, students receive brief feedback in point and/or written form.
The aim of the seminar is to reflect on and rethink one's own attitudes and patterns in communication based on theory. Basic attitudes and aids in conducting conversations are tested during the seminar with the help of exercises and role plays and reflected on with regard to their effect on oneself and the dialogue partner. The aim is to analyse and adapt one's own actions in conversations based on theory.
The Gmünder Modell zur Gesprächsführung GMG is an empirically tested training programme for conducting conversations (Aich, 2011). In Baden-Württemberg, it has been offered for several years in all phases of teacher training and further teacher training, also under the umbrella of the local Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs.
The GMG combines the core conditions of person-centred counselling with models from transactional analysis. The basic positions of transactional analysis are a tool for assessing one's own conversational behaviour and the behaviour of the other person and for changing one's own behaviour if necessary. The three core conditions according to Rogers (empathy, appreciation, authenticity) reflect fundamental attitudes and behaviours as a basis for building relationships in conversations and conducting conversations. Practising these basic attitudes is one of the aims of the seminar.
Counselling at school
- Counselling at school I
Counselling is an integral part of the teaching profession; every teacher needs 'counselling skills' - but what is counselling anyway? This question will first be explored theoretically in the seminar before getting to know a special counselling procedure and trying it out in practice.
- Counselling in the school II
In this seminar, the counselling techniques acquired in the previous seminar are deepened and expanded.
- Learning support through coaching (current project "Offenes Ohr - Coaching in der Schule")
The seminar "Learning support through coaching" takes place in cooperation with various schools in the area where counselling for pupils is offered by students.
The seminar corresponds to the normal 2 SWS (semester hours per week), but is structured differently: On the one hand, it is divided into a theory and training phase consisting of two information events and a practice block at the weekend. These phases teach the basics of counselling in schools. Secondly, there is a practical phase in which the students offer counselling sessions for pupils in schools. In addition to a plenary session for interim reflection, a final plenary session takes place in the penultimate week of the semester in which the practical phase is evaluated. Supervision appointments are offered regularly during the practical phase. The counselling experiences are discussed at these meetings. Recordings of individual counselling sessions are made for this purpose. Each student takes part in one supervision session with their group during the semester.
- Collegial counselling in the teaching staff
Collegial case counselling is a procedure with which teachers can jointly discuss and solve problems from their everyday school life without the need for a professional counsellor. In the seminar, the theoretical foundations of collegial case counselling are developed in order to apply the procedure in practice and to practise special techniques.
School development
Schools are required to formulate their own programme and develop a conscious profile. On this basis, development opportunities for schools are considered from different perspectives.
Support during school transitions
The end of every pupil's school career is characterised, among other things, by the transition to vocational training. The seminar deals with theoretical explanations and support approaches as well as concrete and tried-and-tested ways of helping pupils to successfully organise this transition on an individual basis.
Interaction & Communication
-Interaction & communication - an introduction
Interaction and communication skills are basic competences in educational processes. The seminar provides an introduction to corresponding concepts and theories.
-Controlling interaction in groups
Every interaction in a group is characterised by diversity and dynamics. The seminar explores the question of how to act in and with groups in a pedagogically meaningful way and how to take advantage of group processes.