Me­dia Stud­ies

Welcome to the website of the Department of Media Studies at the Paderborn University!

Paderborn University hosts one of the largest media studies departments in Germany. We offer a highly interdisciplinary program with courses ranging from the humanities (media theory and history, film studies, media sociology, media and education, media aesthetics, television studies, digital and mobile media) to media economics and computer science. The focus lies primarily on critical studies of media and popular culture; quantitative methods are taught as well. To complement their research and analysis, students can choose classes in media practice, do internships and work on short and longer-term projects. In a constantly and rapidly changing media landscape we provide students with a solid foundation of enduring criteria for critical analysis as well as relevant expertise to successfully enter all media-related professions.


Fas­cism: Crit­ic­al The­ory Per­spect­ives

Tuesday, January 28, 18:00-20:00, E2.145
A research seminar organised by the Media Systems and Media Organisation Research Group at Paderborn University’s Department of Media Studies

The goal of this seminar is to discuss perspectives on how we can theorise and understand fascism. The presenters engage with a variety of critical theory approaches for advancing insights into the dynamics and structures of fascism, neo-fascism, and digital fascism. The seminar features two international visiting researchers from Brazil (André Brandão) and Spain (Tatiana Fernández Paredes) who have spent some time at Paderborn University’s Media Systems and Media Organisation Research Group (led by Christian Fuchs).

What is Fascism?
Christian Fuchs, Paderborn University

Theorising Fascism with Henri Lefebvre
Tatiana Fernández Paredes
Open University of Catalonia: Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3)

Neo-Fascism and Digitalisation
André Brandão
Federal University of Bahia, Brazil


Wichtige Hinweise

Hier finden Sie wichtige Informationen zum Ablauf des Sommersemesters 2025 und das kommentierte Vorlesungsverzeichnis in den Medienwissenschaften.

Office of the department

Phone: +49 5251 60 3284
E-Mail: medwiss(at)upb(dot)de


Paderborn University
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Department of Media Studies

Postal address:
Warburger Straße 100
33098 Paderborn

Staff Directory A-Z

The teachers' directory can be found here.

Icon Register of persons