Wel­come to the Web­site of the Cen­ter of Gender Stud­ies (ZG) of the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born

The Center of Gender Studies (ZG) was established by the University of Paderborn and is located at the Institute of Educational Science within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. The Center’s assigned tasks are internal, national and international networking, the implementation of gender-focused events and activities as well as the support of research projects within the realm of gender studies.

Students are very welcome to visit the center to get information regarding gender studies as well as the diverse gender-related course offerings at the University of Paderborn. They can also get support and consultation regarding scientific projects and/or papers and much more. Alongside the regular course of study, the center offers the possibility to acquire a specific gender studies certificate. The center also supervises and organizes the master’s program “Culture and Society” [“Kultur und Gesellschaft”].

University teachers are being encouraged to implement questions regarding women’s and gender studies as a cross-cutting issue within their courses. The center also offers the possibility to support and mentor teachers in gender-sensible teaching as well as for their personal research project within the realm of gender studies. An overview of all our organized events such as conferences, workshops or lecture series can be found through the accordion on the right side of this website.

The center published the podcast "Time for gender" in August 2020. More information on the podcast, which discusses current academic relations all about gender, feminism and gender studies, can be found in the accordion under “the center’s podcast”.

Concerning the current topic of the corona crisis, you can find a summary of different text formats in the section “gender relations during the corona crisis”

The section Research informs about the research projects that were requested in cooperation with the “Center of Gender Studies”. An overview of all national as well as international events regarding gender studies, job or scholarship postings and a list of recent calls for papers regarding gender studies can be found under Service.

The “Center of Gender Studies” is an active member of the “Expert Association Gender” [Fachgesellschaft Gender e.V.], the “Conference of all Facilities of Gender Studies within the German Speaking Realm” (KEG) [Konferenz der Einrichtungen zur Geschlechterforschung im deutschsprachigen Raum] and RINGS (The International Research Association of Institutions of Advanced Gender Studies). It also is actively committed within the “Network of Women’s and Gender Studies” [Netzwerk Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung]. Here you will find an overview of the center's cooperations and networks.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us or visit us in the Center of Gender Studies on H5 – room 206. We would be very pleased to welcome you in person or add you to our e-mail distribution list.

University of Paderborn
Faculty of Arts and Humanities 
Center of Gender Studies (ZG)
Warburger Straße 100 
D-33098 Paderborn

Room: H5. 206

Phone: +49 (0)5251 60-2730
E-Mail: genderzentrum[at]uni-paderborn.de

Social Media

The center can be found on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Spotify


You can also find us on the University’s Genderportal homepage.


Neue Veröffentlichung vom ZG:
GENDER (2024/1) zu „Reproduktionspolitiken und Selbstbestimmung“ – Jetzt im Open Access!