About us

This is where the Centre for Gender Studies introduces itself.

Lettering Geschlechterstudien/ Gender Studies

Study & Teach­ing

You would like to find out more about the Master's degree programme and other training opportunities at the ZG.


In April 2024, the GeFoWiss (Gender as a category of analysis in research and knowledge contexts) centre was launched, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Re­search & Pro­jects

Here you will find everything you need to know about the ZG's current (research) projects.


Here you will find the current events of the ZG.

Train­ing course "School Gender Simply Di­git­al"

You would like to train at the ZG.

Poster podcast with microphone


Here you can find the podcast "Zeit für Gender " from ZG.

Data­bases, archives, tool­boxes

On this page you will find overviews of Gender Studies, Women's (Lesbian) Movement and Equaliy.


Here you will find our service area, such as book and material loans as well as counselling and support services etc.