Block­sem­in­ar Pro­GRess

Our ZRM-based training against procrastination: The ProGRess training.

In this 3-day anti-procrastination training course, we work with an evidence-based, resource-oriented approach known as the Zurich Resource Model.

The training helps you to reflect on your personal behavior, better understand your procrastination and ultimately establish suitable resources and strategies against procrastination in your everyday life. The aim is to build up your individual toolbox of anti-procrastination strategies

Over three days, you will learn specific strategies that will help you to activate your personal resources.

You will be supported by not only our psychological instructors, who are also experts in the ZRM, but also by the other participants.  By completing all of the training steps together and by sharing personal accounts of successes and setbacks, all participants will act as mutual resources for each other. This creates a special environment that is unfamiliar to most students in the context of higher education, making it a course that stands out from everyday university life.

Would you like to find out more about ProGRess? Then click here.