Fi­nal theses

Our research activities focus on applied research in the field of learning and personal development in schools and post-secondary institutions. In the field of education, we provide opportunities to supervise Bachelor's and Master's theses for preservice teachers.

The topics for theses are published online at the end of June (for the upcoming winter semester) or in the week before Christmas (for the upcoming summer semester). At this point, it is then possible to apply for one or more of the topics by contacting the respective supervisor. More detailed information on the application procedure can be found in the information provided by the individual supervisors below. The topics will be allocated on the basis of the project outlines received.


These top­ics are cur­rently offered:

* IMPORTANT: The application deadline is 7 January 2024.


Selbstmanagement | Prokrastination

Thema 1*: Ein systematischer Literaturüberblick zum Zusammenhang zwischen der „planning fallacy“ und Prokrastination (literaturbasiert: Prof. Dr. Katrin Klingsieck)

Thema 2*: Body & Mind: Physische Symptome durch Prokrastination? Ein Forschungsüberblick. (literaturbasiert: Tamara Schneider)

Thema 3*: Prokrastination, Selbstreflexion und lebenslanges Lernen (literaturbasiert: Mara Kaemper)

Thema 4: Der Zusammenhang von Prokrastination und Selbstreflexion (empirisch, Daten liegen bereits vor: Mara Kaemper)

Thema 5: Der Zusammenhang von Prokrastination und Lebenslangem Lernen (empirisch, Daten liegen bereits vor: Mara Kaemper)


Förderung der Persönlichkeits- und Selbstentwicklung

Thema 6: Erschöpft aber nicht bemitleidenswert - Entwicklung eines Resilienztrainings für Eltern von Kindern mit Behinderung (literaturbasiert oder empirisch mittels strukturierter Interviews: Julia Bobe)

Thema 7*: Ein systematischer Literaturüberblick zum Nutzen von Aromen/Düften in der Psychotherapie (literaturbasiert: Prof. Dr. Katrin Klingsieck)

Thema 8*: Ein systematischer Literaturüberblick zu Therapien, die den Selbstwert steigern (literaturbasiert: Prof. Dr. Katrin Klingsieck)

Thema 9*: Ein systematischer Literaturüberblick zur Relevanz von „serendepity“ für die Persönlichkeitsentwicklung (literaturbasiert: Prof. Dr. Katrin Klingsieck)

Thema 10*: Selbstregulation & Gesundheit - Welche Rolle spielen Gefühle? (literaturbasiert: Tamara Schneider)


Förderung der Persönlichkeits- und Selbstentwicklung | Lehrer*innenbildung

Thema 11: ADHS bei Mädchen und Frauen – Diagnostik, Prävalenz und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten (literaturbasiert: Julia Bobe)

Thema 12: LRS und Nachteilsausgleich - aktuelle Befunde. (literaturbasiert: Dr. Sabrina Sommer)


* Für das Bearbeiten dieses Themas ist das Lesen von englischsprachigen Zeitschriftenartikeln, sogenannten empirischen Originalartikeln, unabdingbar. Melden Sie sich daher bitte nur, wenn dies keine Hürde für Sie darstellt. Beispiele für solche Artikel finden Sie hier.

Pro­ced­ure for fi­nal theses in Dia­gnos­is & Sup­port


Application for an advertised job

You apply with approx. 1 DIN A4 page on your desired topic and briefly present your ideas on the following aspects:

  • What are you studying?
  • Why are you interested in this work?
  • How do you define the terms mentioned in the call for proposals for the topic? What literature have you already read?
  • What would you like to find out in and with your work? Why?

After an initial discussion of your ideas, the topic will be assigned.


Compulsory attendance of the preliminary meeting

Participation in one of the preliminary discussion dates is obligatory. The dates for the current semester are:

  • Date 1: Monday, 5 February 2024, 13:00 in H4.113
  • Date 2: Thursday, 14 March 2024, 12:00 via Zoom (you will receive the link by email)

Preparation of an exposé

After the preliminary discussion and subsequent careful research and reading of the literature, you will prepare an exposé (max. 8 A4 pages), which will serve as the basis for your thesis. The synopsis includes

  • the problem definition
  • the aim of your thesis
  • the research question (including the associated hypotheses, if applicable)
  • an overview of the literature you will use to address the research question

You will then receive detailed feedback.

The subject area of psychology offers a KOMO course with information and exercises on the topics of literature research, formulation of the research question and exposé. You will be given access during the preliminary meeting.


Registration of the work

  • We need 8 weeks to assess your work. If your grade must be entered in PAUL by a certain date, please calculate the date for the submission of your thesis yourself.
  • Please make sure that you submit your thesis in the semester for which you have been promised supervision.
  • We will provide the second assessor.

Data collection (for empirical work)

When collecting data, you may be able to work together with other thesis writers under the same lecturer.

Before collecting data, please be sure to observe the guidelines for dealing with people and data in qualification theses summarised on the subject area's homepage!


Answering the research question and finalising the thesis

Empirical work: Your thesis consists of

  • a theoretical part: theoretical background of your work, aims of your work, research question(s), hypotheses
  • and an empirical part: chosen methods, results of data collection and analysis, discussion of your results against the theoretical background of the thesis

Literature-based thesis: Your thesis consists of

  • the introduction to the research question, the processing of the research question and the discussion of the processing of the research work

Submission of the work

You can find all the important information about submitting your thesis here. A purely digital submission is possible in our groups. Please note the further requirements of the ZPS.

Re­com­men­ded read­ing

  • Bem, D. J. (2004). Writing the empirical journal article. In J. M. Darley, M. P. Zanna, & H. L. Roediger III (Eds.). The Compleat Academic: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Social Scientist (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • German Psychological Society (ed.) (2019, 5th ed.). Guidelines for manuscript design. Göttingen: Hogrefe. A summary can be found here:
  • Frank, A., Haacke, S. & Lahm, S. (2013, 2nd ed.). Key competences: Writing in studies and work. Weimar/Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
  • Scharlau, I. & Klingsieck, K. B. (2018). Writing in psychology studies. Leverkusen: Barbara Budrich publishing house.
  • Spaeth-Hilbert, T., & Imhof, M. (2020, 2nd updated ed.). Bachelor thesis in psychology. Munich: Reinhardt.