Research activities

What we do in our re­search

Our research activities focus on the area of learning and personal development in schools and post-secondary institutions. Our methodological focus is on the development and validation of diagnostic instruments as well as the development and evaluation of psychological intervention measures.


In our research, we view self-management as a combination of all the strategies and activities that individuals use to pursue their goals and materialize their intentions. Our particular focus is on emotional, motivational, and volitional control in educational settings and stressful situations.

Pro­mo­tion of per­son­al and self-de­vel­op­ment

Our research aims to show how teachers at schools and professors in post-secondary institutions can support their students in their personal development, especially beyond common measures of performance and achievement motivation. One focus is on the diagnostic competence of teachers and the development of innovative didactic concepts.

Our pro­jects

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In cooperation with researchers from Bowdoin College, we are developing a psychological training program which compiles multiple goals students pursue in their daily life, for the prevention of (academic) procrastination. The training program consists of several modules combing in-person with online self-paced coaching via app and video.

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The aim of the project is to develop and evaluate a psychological training program that is used to prevent and decrease academic procrastination and is being funded by Techniker Krankenkasse. The training is based upon the principles of the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM) and current findings from the field of procrastination research.

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The aim of the project is to promote students' motivation and interdisciplinary skills, which is being sponsored by the Innovative University Teaching Foundation. We have combined the university's counseling center ProLernen, with the online self-assessment tool of the LehramtsNavi.

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The interdisciplinary three-year program PPIK - Paderborn Perspectives on Inclusion - interdisciplinary, discursive, practice-oriented - colloquia, college and fireside chats is targeted for doctoral candidates who are interested in issues relating to diversity and inclusion.

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GEProS is an innovative e-learning based tool for student teachers. The self-directed learning environment is a digital, interactive simulation in which students can practice diagnostic activities in a problem-oriented way.

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Hallway on the first floor of building B of Paderborn University.


As part of our QUICS project (Qualitative Content Analysis of Corona Surveys for Students), the numerous responses to open-ended questions in our surveys when studying during the Covid19 pandemic were systematically analyzed.

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