ProGRess -

Light-footed and sustainable against academic procrastination

Welcome to our project website!

Here you will find detailed information about the ProGRess training programme and its background. If you have any questions, please contact us at any time by e-mail at:


What does Pro­GRess stand for?

"ProGRess" stands for procrastination, health promotion in the sense of student health management and resource activation.

Procrastination is the scientific term for putting off tasks despite knowing the negative consequences of this procrastination. The phenomenon is particularly widespread in the academic context. In addition to possible performance losses, procrastination can lead to physical and mental health problems. We want to do something about this with ProGRess!

The ProGRess training

Is your procrastination giving you a headache?
Do you constantly feel under pressure and the deadline for your project is getting closer and closer?
Are all the demands placed on you causing you more stress from semester to semester?

The ProGRess training helps you to reflect on your behavior, better understand your procrastination and finally establish suitable resources and strategies against procrastination in your everyday life. The aim is to build up your individual anti-procrastination measures pool (APM).

This will enable you to counteract the negative health consequences. Because not every exam phase has to be accompanied by health restrictions such as enormous stress, headaches or building pains!

Over three days, you will learn specific strategies to help you utilize your personal resources. They form the basis for your sustainable change in behavior so that you can complete the typical tasks in your studies (homework, exam preparation, internship reports) with a good feeling again.

You will be supported not only by the trainer present, but also by the other participants. This creates a special course atmosphere that is unfamiliar to most students in a university context and therefore provides a very special feeling.

Key data of the pro­ject


Development & evaluation of an anti-procrastination training...

  • for the prevention & reduction of academic procrastination
  • based on the guidelines of the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM)
  • based on current results of procrastination research


  • 3 years

Basic principles:

  • Guidelines of the Zurich Resource Model (ZRM) as resource-activating self-management training
  • Current results from procrastination research


  • Student Health Management of the UPB (my
  • Institute for Self-Management and Motivation Zurich (ISMZ), parent institute of the CRM
  • Funded by the TK and by the central quality improvement funds of the Paderborn University


You can find the dates for the next training sessions on PAUL. You can also register via Paul. Unfortunately, all courses are fully booked at the moment. Students from other universities can contact us by email at

Pro­ject kick-off with Dr Maja Storch

The ProGRess project kick-off took place on 19 January 2023. This was accompanied by an exciting presentation by CRM inventor Dr Maja Storch.

Fur­ther of­fers

ProGRess is a project of ProLernen. ProLernen, the university's internal counselling centre against procrastination, has many other interesting offers for you.

Pro­ject man­age­ment

business-card image

Prof. Dr. Katrin B. Klingsieck

Psychologische Diagnostik und Förderung mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung

Write email +49 5251 60-2855

Pro­ject mem­ber

business-card image

Tamara Schneider

Psychologische Diagnostik und Förderung mit dem Schwerpunkt Inklusive Bildung

Write email +49 5251 60-4384