Con­fe­rence Re­port: Rethin­king Re­spon­ses to Po­li­ti­cal Cri­sis and Col­lap­se - Han­nah Arendt, Edith Stein, Ro­sa Lu­xem­burg, and Si­mo­ne Weil

King’s College, London ON, Canada, 6th – 8th March 2020.

These four philosophers shared the time, in which they lived and the place of origin. They were all born in western/central Europe in the end of 19th (in case of Luxemburg and Stein) or in the beginning of 20th Century (Arendt and Weil), lived and worked in Germany. However, bringing them together is not a matter of course. There are clear differences in their biographies and in their philosophical interests. While Rosa Luxembourg was a revolutionary, as much involved in writing, as in her political cause, and Simone Weil dedicated a large part of her work to the illumination of the nature of mechanized labor and its existential impact, Edith Stein thought from a more spiritual perspective, though not forgetting practical challenges of human existence. Of the four, only Hannah Arendt lived through the torments of the early 20th Century revolutions and the Second World War to reflect upon the development of the post-war society with its stirring globalizing tendencies...

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