Gast­vor­trag von Herrn Dr. Ja­ni Ur­sin und Frau Dr. Kat­ja Vähäsan­ta­nen zum fin­ni­schen Bil­dungs­sys­tem (23.05., 13 Uhr)

Wir laden herzlich zum Gastvortrag von Herrn Dr. Jani Ursin und Frau Dr. Katja Vähäsantanen (beide Universität Jyväskylä) mit anschließender Diskussion ein.

Thema des Vortrages:
What Can Be Learned from the Finnish Education System and Teachership?

PISA rocketed Finnish education system to global attention. Finnish education was considered to be exemplary mainly because of the quality of teachers, consistence of education provided in all the schools and lack of observable differences in learning outcomes between the pupils. Indeed, the roots of the Finnish education system in the values of equity, cooperation and trust-based responsibility instead of a culture of competition and test-based accountability in schools seemed to have paved the way for the Finnish ‘miracle’. However, recent studies have shown that not everything is what it looks like in the Finnish system as, for example, the latest PISA results show decline in the performance of Finnish pupils and indicate growing differences between the schools. Nonetheless, teaching profession is highly valued in the Finnish society and teacher training programs are among the most popular and competed study programs in the universities. The aim of the presentation is to (1) give an outlook of the Finnish education system, (2) to explain the strengths and the challenges of the system, and (3) to describe teacher training and teachership as profession. We utilize the results of PISA and TALIS (The OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey) and of studies conducted in Finnish teacher education in order to demonstrate and problematize these aims.

Datum: 23.05.2016

Zeit: 13 - 15.00 Uhr (c.t.)

Raum: <link https:>W3.210

Zusätzliche Informationen finden Sie auf dem <link file:84731>Vortragsposter.

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