Neu­er­schei­nung: "Ad­dres­sing me­tho­do­lo­gi­cal chal­len­ges in re­sea­rch on pro­fes­si­o­nal lear­ning and de­ve­lop­ment" (Gol­ler, Ky­ndt, Pa­lo­nie­mi, & Damşa, 2022)

Goller, M., Kyndt, E., Paloniemi, S., & Damşa, C. (2022). Addressing methodological challenges in research on professional learning and development. In M. Goller, E. Kyndt, S. Paloniemi, & C. Damşa (Hrsg.), Methods for researching professional learning and development: Challenges, applications, and empirical illustrations (S. 1-16). Springer.


Research in the area of professional learning and development is faced with particular empirical and methodological challenges due to its nature and contexts. This chapter introduces and briefly describes these challenges. It then gives an overview of each of the methods/approaches (i.e., chapters) in this book in relation to the identified challenges. The chapter ends with a presentation of the overall structure of the book.


Professional learning and development, Workplace learning, VET, Research methods

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PD Dr. Michael Goller

Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Bildungsmanagement und Bildungsforschung in der Weiterbildung

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