Neu­er­schei­nung: Ef­fects of age, gen­der and oc­cu­pa­ti­on on per­cei­ved work­place lear­ning sup­port (Har­teis, Bil­lett, Gol­ler, Rausch, & Seifried, 2015)

Harteis, C., Billett, S., Goller, M., Rausch, A. & Seifried, J. (2015). Effects of age, gender, and occupation on perceived workplace learning support. International Journal of Training Research, 13(1), 64-81.


The provision of workplace support is central to how and what is and can be learnt at work. Hence, the distribution of those experiences is an important factor in the quality of workplace learning experiences. The study reported and discussed here aims to identify differences in levels of support and opportunities for applying knowledge in workplaces among factors of age-, gender-, and occupation-related cohorts of employees across a range of levels of employment. A convenience sample of 459 employees from different occupations, companies and workplaces participated in this cross-sectional exploratory study. Comparisons between categories of age and occupation are based on the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test and comparisons regarding gender are performed with the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U-test. The results propose that for this sample neither age nor gender, but level of employment is the crucial factor. Put simply, the evidence suggests that those in better jobs, regardless of age or gender, receive more support for workplace learning.

International Journal of Training Research