Neu­er­schei­nung: "Re­sea­rch Ap­proa­ches on Work­place Lear­ning: In­sights from a Gro­wing Field" (Har­teis, Gi­j­bels, & Ky­ndt, 2022)

Harteis, C., Gijbels, D., & Kyndt, E. (Eds.). (2022). Research Approaches on Workplace Learning: Insights from a Growing Field. Springer.


The volume comprises a variety of research approaches that seek to explore and understand employees’ learning and development through and for work. Working life reveals challenges through technological, economic and societal development that can only rudimentarily be addressed by formal education and training. Workplace learning becomes more and more important for employees and enterprises to successfully cope with these challenges.

Workplace learning is a steadily growing field of educational research but it lacks so far a scholastic canon – there is rather a diversity of research approaches. This volume reflects this diversity by bringing together researchers from different countries and different theoretical backgrounds, presenting their current research on topics that all are relevant for understanding presages, processes and outcomes of workplace learning. Hence, this volume is of relevance for researchers as well as practitioners in the field and policy makers.


new generation of researchers, the team level of workplace learning, individual level of workplace learning, organizational level of workplace learning, societal level of workplace learning, interdependent cross-level research approaches, Work Agency, Work-life perspectives, Team learning, Team climate, Social influences on team learning, Knowledge construction in teams, Learning culture, Acknowledgement of competences, Technology and professional learning, Creation of a learning eco-system, Diversity as a challenge for organisations, Higher education as preparation for WPL, Social support in networks and professional learning, vocational and professional education

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Prof. Dr. Christian Harteis

Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Bildungsmanagement und Bildungsforschung in der Weiterbildung

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